Today is the first day of 2025, and it feels very different from previous years. I feel hope and as I close my eyes, and wait on God. I can feel His spirit blowing against my soul ….as I catch God’s attention, He begins a fresh filling.

Practice this with me…in 2025 take more time to be still before God without saying one word. I wait to feel Him before I speak. We are told in His Word to offer our petition, but try waiting until you are fully conscious of having secured His attention.

This out-pouring I speak of is empowerment! It comes with responsibility and cannot be accomplished without being a practicing pure-hearted believer.

You tell me you know all that. Yes, you know it; but you need to have your heart filled by the Holy Spirit with the holy consciousness that the almighty God has indeed come very near to you

Our loving God longs to have you for His own. Be still before God, and wait, and say: “Oh, God, take possession.” Please reveal yourself, not to my thoughts or imaginations, but by subduing my soul’s consciousness that you in fact shine upon me …bring me to the place of dependence and humility.

For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” (Colossians 1: 13 – 14)

You can do this! 

Becoming His inhabitant means we are no longer divided (body, mind and spirit) like were where when we were born. 

We become bound or knitted together by God’s love extended to us by our King of Kings, the Lord Jesus himself. This how we can join him in His kingdom while we live in on earth!

Being Kingdom People means our lives change in all sorts of ways so that others see how blessed we are and then long to enter His Kingdom to receive their forgiveness and all the blessings that go with that. 

When Jesus began his ministry, he explained exactly how kingdom people will react to his words by his famous “Sermon on the Mount”(Matthew 5-7). This is our beautiful guide as citizens to observe.

It’s not my form of prayers that transforms people or place but the state of my heart that moves God in places of darkness.

Do you see why man’s destiny is so powerful. When we become Kingdom inhabitants we are God’s Light in the world of darkness. 

So why are many Christians wasting their lives in bondage of the world instead of living in the manifestation and the privilege and the glory as a Kingdom Inhabitant of God?

The apostle Paul says; “Not I, but Christ liveth in me.” The two truths go together. First “Not I,” then, “but Christ liveth in me.”

Christians, look at your own lives in the light of the words of Jesus. Do you find self-will, self-pleasing? 

Remember, every time we please ourselves, you deny Jesus… then follows self-confidence, self-trust, self-effort, self-dependence aka separation from God’s spirit!

Our simply obedience in everyday life is the highest form of spirituality. I feel like everyday life of spirituality has been removed and believers feel like they have to do something extreme to be holy and spiritual. It’s not true. In fact, we don’t have to leave our everyday life to be a missionary. We can make our daily life our mission field.

If we focus on Jesus in our everyday life with a pure heart, we open the Kingdom door which eventually leads to hearing the voice of The Lord.

A sister in Christ once related that it seemed as if God had totally withdrawn Himself from her. His mercy seemed completely gone. Her loneliness lasted for weeks, until the heavenly Lover seemed to say to her, “You have looked for Me in the outside world of emotions, yet all the while I have been waiting inside for you. Meet Me now in the inner chamber of your spirit, for I am there.” —Except from Desert in the Sands

God’s fruit is a heart filled with love and kindness towards others even when we think they don’t deserve it. If you are waiting on God to show you your divine path, then find a way to SERVE.

I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service. 1 Timothy 1:12

I think it comes as a surprise to many that God is described as “the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation” (2 Corinthians 1:3–4). 

You see, God wants to be your comforter in the cold that surrounds you. He wants to calm your grief, anxiety and distress. How do you receive this comfort? 

It’s as simple as drawing near to Him. His comfort is available to you right now as you read this…

Why not come to Him now and crawl into His warm embrace? He won’t immediately drive the cold away, but He will give you comfort and warmth you never dreamed possible. And then you can enjoy the blessing of spreading His comfort to others around you during this time.

The number one reason why some Christians do not properly receive this gift or baptism of the Holy Spirit is is because they have not been properly prepared to receive it.

To receive this gift for the first time …try asking and pressing in for it, even fasting of the things or food you know are in the way. You have to know exactly what it is you are receiving, and then you have to properly prepare yourself to receive it. Once those two things have been properly done, then it becomes very easy to receive God’s gift to become His Kingdom Inhabitants.




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