My First Feasts Celebration

I want to share my personal journey to climb Mount Sinai. 

“Take Thy Cup and Drink, fill your thirst! See how this transforms you.” 

Your repentance is left at the door of My Tabernacle. You may Enter… The Holy of Holies. This is where My Real Treasures are found, those able to access it will be fulfilled, ordained and enter My Priesthood.

Putting on My Priesthood Cap and Robe. Yes, this Robe is soaked in the Glory of thy Father. 

Walk with Me. (I begin to weep)

Tears of joy as I walk.” (I am worthy, I am chosen.)

I hear, “Do not look back! The earth realm is not here in your midst. You have entered My Kingdom Realm. 

Keep walking, the light it translucent, no shadows. Music is playing, a peaceful sound and open air so inviting. Looking around, everything is open and so vast.”

I hear, “You are walking on My firmament, keep walking.”

I glance back and see a long narrow path, this path is everything that has happened to me. Every emotion, every thought, every wound… all sewn up neatly and healed.

The Father says, “Many find this as they leave your world, few can surrender enough to access it during their earthly life. My Realm is limitless. 

Focus on letting go — everything must go to arrive here. Your heart has been circumcised in this place. Your are renewed and overwhelmingly healed.””

I open a door. I step in and I see GOD, Yahweh. He is sitting on His Throne in His white glorious Robe surrounded by His Radiant Light.

I see saints many listening and many praying as they are knelt beneath Him. His arms are held out to embrace me and He says, “Come My Child!”

I enter His Embrace, I am weeping now and find myself in The Kingdom of God . I have entered His Glory … I am approved!

Yahweh says, “My Glory is about to reach My Saints.”

He comes over and stands above me, and places His Right hand on my head.

“This is my child,” He says, “She will break down walls, deliver the demonic ones to the pit, heal those seeking me.” 

He places a necklace around my neck with beautiful stones, brilliantly and shiny.

“You My daughter, are now ordained to walk in the Light.”

A crown is placed on my head, I look around, there are many of us here in line and each has a crown placed on their head.

We are sealed. Our names are written in the book of life. The entire Kingdom of God is Royalty. I understand I walk in Royalty.

Yahweh hands me a scepter (metal staff) and says, “Use My Scepter to take the ground for My Little Ones still wandering, not by your might, but by My Will … Shall Be Done, they shall be delivered.”

He followed with, “My People are not coming, show them the way Angela, tell them how you overcame and fortified your gates. Their walls are tumbling down! They do not have My Protection. 

The times they are facing will be bloody, dark and everlasting! Come now, tell them to bask in My Glory for safety, Sing Praises to Me, become My Holy Remnant Saints.”

I see Debra she is a mother in heaven, she helps me forward to my glory gate as I am unable to stand on my own, the glory here is overwhelming yet soothing.

I turn to look as I walk through the gate and see Enoch, Paul, Peter and Elijah standing there, I want to go back, but the door opens and Jesus takes my hand returning me to earth.

As I descend with Jesus, He gives me my orders for My Call. He says, “Hurry, the wall has been broken, they are coming…. Fear not, The Kingdom of God is here.”

Beloved Saints, this amazing revelation occurred while fasting, communing and repenting during my first Feast of Tabernacles.My 10 days Feast Celebration was powerful and life changing. I encourage you to enter His Glorious Kingdom through His Feasts.


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