Let’s continue with our Spiritual journey of blessings mapped out in the Book of Deuteronomy.
In my last post called Crossing of Brook of Zered, we were given the keys to a spiritual shift that’s ceases all wilderness wanderings. Were you able to receive these instructions? Can you hear God?
I would be honored to pray for you to receive this shift. … email me at When two or more gather together in prayer, God moves! (Matthew 18:20) For those wanting to join this move of GOD, please provide your email!
We can be excited about this spiritual advancement, however alarms are going off!
If we look at our spiritual map in Dueteronomy, just a bit ahead there are giants! After the Israelite’s crossing they went up the way of Bashan and Og the King of Bashan came out against them!
The Lord said to me, “Do not be afraid of him, for I have delivered him into your hands, along with his whole army and his land. Do to him what you did to Sihon king of the Amorites, who reigned in Heshbon.” Duet 3:1
So if you are unfamiliar with King Og, he’s a giant! It’s been told that he slept in 19” long bed as a baby. So, just imagine his enormous size as a grown up! The Talmud records Og was a descendant of Shamchazai and Azael, a pair of angels making him half man & half angel and more corrupt than any man. Today, we know men like Og as Nephilim.
God is warning us…. So what are His instructions for land of Og? First, I am instructed to share what the Lord gave me! Everything he gives me is for you too!
** Divine Hour **
Son’s & Daughter’s pray to cleanse oneself! Then come inside to light the menorah “lamp” by passing between the veil [of one’s heart] to step inside the Holy of Holies.
Previously, your concern for the world blocked this place, but you have made this temple sacred ground by removing your concerns of your flesh.
My Son,Yahshua has brought you here! Dedication to Him allows assurance of answered prayers before the answer actually comes. As you step-through Deuteronomy, your hinderances will be revealed. Just like My Son’s lessons of the Fig Tree, only good fruit shall come forth.
The Father continued with …Keep seeking Me through our fellowship for My Beloved Remnant shall be ordained in My Holy Land!
Stay alert, Dear One’s, Do not waiver, as I have provided a hedge of Holy Angel protection to carry My Beloved Army until I return.
I am opening My Books and Ledgers for your investigation. Come now and enter my Chamber.
The man in the world thinks he can outsmart the enemy.
Only the enemy has deceived even the lowest of men working as though they are for you ….when actually they are against you….as many of you originally suspected!
The mark of the beast is not a man made imagine but a stain within one’s heart desiring riches of man — accommodating man’s desire for success.
Only those humble before me can see that mark of the beast on others. Beware, their sudden violence will be thrown down and My Harps & Trumpets will be silenced!Stay close to me I AM returning soon!
We are being warned!
A great storm is approaching. Only those hidden under the wings of God will survive this storm. I heard {march forth or March 4th} Micah 1 or Isaiah 7:17-24 and while there is peace; there is time for repentance before the storm! Hallelujah!
A step of faith is required….. close your eyes and prepare your heart by visualizing yourself kneeling in front of the Throne of God. (Rev. 4) Watch now as God stands over you to tap your right and then your left shoulder with His Blazing Sword! (Rev. 19:12-16)
An anointing or pouring of the Holy Spirit will begin to fill you. It starts on your skin like a ripple of love travels in a wave over you to fill you! Tears of truth will come because you are connected to GOD himself.
Congratulations, dear Saints, your name is now written in the Book of Life! You are sealed and part of a very small remnant.
As your faith increases, the wave grows into dreams and visions to break every stronghold [giant] you carry.
If you are not familiar with God’s throne stop and read God’s Word right away! BUT take your time with every word! We are not allowed access into His Holy Land without knowledge within our hearts! God knows your heart! Our minds must be transformed — did you know your heart is not a muscle but it has its own brain! Here is a list of scriptures to read that will transform your mind of your heart and allow you to walk in the Spirit. Where safety can be found! Hallelujah!
Required Scriptures:
God’s Glory Departs From the Temple
I looked, and I saw the likeness of a throne of lapis lazuli above the vault that was over the heads of the cherubim.- But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’sthrone;
- And anyone who swears by heaven swears by God’s throne and by the one who sits on it.
- Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need
- Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all God’s people, on the golden altar in front of the throne.
- And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.
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