The LORD said, ‘Now get up and cross the Zered Valley.’ So we crossed the Zered Valley. Deuteronomy 2:13

This week The Spirit of The Lord wove a significant revelation into His Tapestry for the days we are living.  

It was an unexpected discovery after a dream I was given of Elijah with his white beard standing in my bedroom in front of a chalkboard. The only thing I could read on the board was the word “Deuteronomy”.  

I woke up puzzled and as I questioned my dream, I distinctly heard in my spirit, “that this was going to be an important venture full of exploits” and immediately my spirit was alert and wide awake.

We find there are a couple main messages delivered by Moses in Deuteronomy. The first message rehearses the wilderness wanderings. The Israelites had spent the past forty years wandering the desert because they refused to enter Canaan and conquer the land. The adults of that rebellious generation died off, and a new generation was camped on the east bank of the Jordan River opposite Jericho.

So we crossed the Zered Valley. At that point, we’d been traveling for 38 years, from Kadesh-barnea to the Zered Valley. The last of the people in our camp who had been old enough to fight back then, those men of war, finally died. The Eternal had sworn to them that none of them would be left among us when we did enter the land, and this happened just as He said. The Eternal struck them with one disaster after another inside the camp until they were all dead. Deuteronomy 2:13-15 Voice

Once a believer crosses the Brook of Zered, they begin to apply the Law to conquer their enemies by adding the Word of God. It’s by the authority of the Word of God that our wanderings cease! 

The Brook of Zered is not just a geographical landmark but a significant spiritual milestone for God’s prophetic remnant. 

The word “ZERED” means “growth” and it’s a boundary between Moab [sin] and Edom [Promise land]. To cross this brook means you are working to tear down every misconception to mark the end of your wilderness and restoration is found. 

It’s here at the Brook of Zered where the end-time generation of spirit-filled believers will be activated!

"And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams. And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My spirit in those days; and they shall prophesy..." (Acts 2:17-18).

Spiritually, we can receive our crossing of the Brook of Zered when we begin to worship the Lord like David. I want to encourage you to study David.

"He awakens me morning by morning, He awakens my ear to hear as the learned" (Isa 50:4).

David was anointed 3 times and this is a fact. These spirit-filled end time believers will begin to follow, flow and worship Yahshua in harmony like David and it begins by reading His Law [Word] for yourself. God comes to richly bestow His Spirit, grace, gifts, insight, understanding and revelational knowledge concerning His Kingdom upon you as you sit in His presence.

God trained David through his life and attitudes, and he learned to worship God. We can learn much about David by reading the Psalms.

Brothers and sisters, this is why we need to be grounded in the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27). We need to familiarize ourselves with the entire Bible from Genesis through Revelation, and we need to keep it in context. That way we can avoid the pitfalls of being loose cannons going off half-cocked to follow doctrinal absurdities.

God told Moses he would make the enemy nations terrified of Israel. He will do this for you too!

By worldly standards, Israel’s army was not intimidating, but the Israelites had God on their side. They no longer had to worry about their enemies because their enemies were worried about them. 

God goes before us in our daily battles, preparing the way for us so we may overcome. We need to follow him wholeheartedly and be alert to his leading when we are reading His Word. In other wordsgo in and possess the land

Our enemies won’t like it, but God is with us and he says “You’ve been here long enough. Get marching to Canaan now!” 

Now an exciting journey begins that can be compared in Moses day as the space or separation between the Tabernacle and the people's tents. Once you cross over the separation becomes less and less. This is when we want the Lord to put His finger on every detail of our lives,” He must increase, but I must decrease” John 3:30.

We begin to ask Him to direct our paths of righteousness and make us a whole burnt offering in His service. He is worthy and only our best will do for Him. Thank you, Jesus.

For those unprepared, there is still time. The Book of Ephesians which tells us to be strong in the Lord offers many scripture references that talk about the Holy Spirit strengthening and edifying us in our innermost beings. I have multiple posting about strengthening your faith through forgiveness and healing and I have added their links here. 

I made a list below to prepare your spirit for divine dreams, visions, Rhema words, words of knowledge etc., which become our anointing oil in our Menorah. The Lord is leading these instruction, so check back for more posts.

He chose you and delivered you from slavery in Egypt where you were purified as if in an iron furnace, and He made you His very own people, which you are today.

It’s God’s way of preparing His prophetic Remnant for His return.know many are declaring the Day of the Lord is near so it’s our job dear Remnant Saints to stay prepared. 

Our lamps will require much anointing oil to usher in the Last Harvest before Christ returns. 

Congratulations, your Crossing of the Brook of ZERED emphasizes your trust in God's plan for your life …even when you face challenges and uncertainties. You know God is with you!

Hallelujah! God’s remnant has crossed-over to become His spirit-filled prophetic Remnant.  Let’s Go!

“Your righteousness, O God, is very high” (Psalm 71:19).


🕊️R E F L E C T I O N🌷

Suggestions to stay spiritually prepared:

  1. Cultivate a heart of repentance: To cultivate a heart of repentance, regularly evaluate your relationship with God. Are there areas where you’ve strayed from His guidance? Are you harboring resentment, pride, or harmful attitudes? By bringing these areas to God in prayer, asking for forgiveness, and seeking to change, you’ll be moving toward a closer, more aligned relationship with Him.
  2. Focus on Your Faith: Faith is the foundation of our relationship with God, and obedience is the natural outflow of that faith. Whether it’s through loving your neighbor, serving those in need, or walking with integrity in your personal and professional life, these actions reflect your commitment to God’s will.
  3. Prayer: Prayer is essential for preparing spiritually. Through prayer, you connect with God, receive guidance, and are empowered by His Spirit. A strong prayer life means regularly setting aside time to communicate with God, not just to ask for things, but to listen, worship, and seek His direction for your life so you are aligned with God. A strong prayer life can withstand the storms. 
  4. Intercessory Prayer:  One aspect of prayer that’s important in preparing for the Day of the Lord is by helping others. We can pray for the lost, the hurting, the lonely, the sick, the bereaved, and those who are imprisoned—behind both visible and invisible walls. These type of prayers are meant to send God’s comfort, peace, and your calming presence to those who are without hope. I also pray for protection of the defenseless children and ask God to hold them close to His heart. I pray for laborers who are boldly sharing the good news of Jesus to people around our world. I also pray for persecuted believers, too. Make them brave, and give them your powerful protection. I pray you will bring swift justice to those who want to destroy the innocent and those who carry your name. Bind the power of Satan, and strengthen believers everywhere.
  5. BE a Watchman or Gatekeeper: We are encouraged through the Bible to remain watchful, especially in light of the Day of the Lord. This doesn’t mean living in fear, but staying spiritually awake and alert. It’s about being mindful of your spiritual condition and aware of how you’re living day-to-day. Jesus often spoke about the importance of being ready at all times, since no one knows when that day will come. Watchfulness also involves being discerning of the world around you. We need to stay aware of how culture, society, and even personal distractions can pull you away from your spiritual goals. By maintaining this awareness, you can avoid spiritual complacency and ensure that you’re always moving in the direction God intends. See my watchman post for how to step into the ROLE of a Kingdom Watchman. 
  6. Surround yourself with Community: No one can walk the spiritual journey alone. Being part of a supportive faith community is an essential aspect of spiritual growth and preparation. Close spiritual friends provide a space where you can share your challenges, learn from others, and be encouraged in your faith. A healthy community can also help you stay accountable. When you’re surrounded by others who are also striving to live faithfully, you’re less likely to fall into spiritual lethargy or oppression. They can challenge you, lift you up in prayer, and help you stay focused on your spiritual goals, especially as you prepare for the Day of the Lord.
  7. Keep HOPE Alive: While the Day of the Lord includes aspects of judgment, it’s ultimately a day of hope for those who are spiritually ready by holding on even in difficult times. Hope is what keeps us moving forward, trusting that God is in control. It reminds us that the struggles we face now are temporary, and that there is a greater purpose and future ahead. Preparing spiritually for the Day of the Lord is an ongoing journey. By taking the steps mentioned above, you can be spiritually ready, not just for a future day, but for every day of your life.



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