They looked, and there was the glory of the Lord, appearing in the cloud. Exodus 16:10.

On April 11th, I was given a dream and I believe The Lord is calling His remnant forward, but because of the world events many have missed His Call. Between the solar eclipse and the Aurora Borealis, God has been revealing the signs of the times in the sky! Just as it is written in God‘s word indicting we are in the last days! 

Yah told me, “the eclipse was the beginning, I am parting the waters of the Red Sea as if an invisible knife was cutting a path through the waves.

That very night I was given a dream right before dawn.

My Dream

I was standing at the sea and ahead of me was this most brilliant sight! It saw what looked like a tunnel of water without a ceiling.I was looking out to miles and miles of people walking on the seafloor with two enormous walls of water on each side of them. I heard weeping and complaining cries turn to dumbfounded gasps of amazement as these magnificent walls revealed their path. It was truly a spectacular sight unfolding before me as the wind continued to move forward, forging a pathway through these waters, I knew these waters symbolized the Red Sea in Exodus as the cloud seemed to move towards the place where I stood by the wall of fire. I had a knowing that this wall was separating the slaves from their master. 

As I watched, the cloud appearance changed as it swirled overhead into an iridescent form, darkening into a denseness that become a darkness that fell over the land behind me. I had a knowing that this wall of protection separated me as a Kingdom bondslave.

The cloud appearance changed overhead and I was holding my breath, watching the cloud, roll over and move towards the city in the distance, making a blockade between me and the city. I watch with bated breath as the cloud moved closer, creating a chilling canopy of darkness between me and the slave masters of Babylon to form a blazing wall. I had a knowing these barriers had been previously opened but were now closed. I woke up!

I journaled this dream as if it was just a dream pertaining to my wilderness study. But last Saturday, a week ago, I had a vision of a funnel cloud coming from the sea in a whirlwind spinning just like in my dream from the North. Each time I closed my eyes, this high speed spinning funnel cloud would appear as a picture in my mind over the land!

If I am to read the signs correctly and look at history, history repeats itself, What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecc.1:9)

As I meditated on this whirlwind cloud, The Spirit reminded that each time I studied something specific, I was being led to prepare for something in the natural realm to meet something in the spiritual realm. Hallelujah!

The Israelites wandering in the wilderness were led by Moses. When they listened he provided a safe haven, a place of flourishing by God’s instructions. However, the enemy never rests and is always working to sow discord, their oppression would begin to build among the people until they disregarded God instructions. They had to be rebuked by God to make them turn away from their self serving idols to seek God once again. This cycle of falling away from God and His Word has happened over and over throughout history. 

I believe what I saw coming towards us is a “calamitous storm” event triggering a sudden ‘exodus’ of this fallen world. 

If we are reading the signs, God is preparing His beloved remnant, His called out ones, His people out of spiritual Egypt to bring them home to Him!

While meditating on these facts this spiritual cloud could only be described as “The approach of God” due to its enormous size. I found in my studies that atmospheric storms and clouds are often associated with appearances of God in His Word. (Jb 38:1; Pss 18:7-15; 29:3-9; 104:3; Is 29:6).  If you feel a witness, please study these scriptures, you are being called!

When I addressed The Lord about this cloud, I was taken to Exodus 19.  God had a reason for rescuing the Israelites from slavery. He was finally ready to tell them what it was: Israel was to become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation so that the whole world would know God through his people. But the people’s sin kept them from entering God’s presence directly—and also from fulfilling their role as priests for the world. - woah, thank you Holy Spirit, right!

So God established Aaron’s descendants from the tribe of Levi as priests (Leviticus 8–9) to represent the entire nation before God. And with the coming of Jesus Christ, God has fulfilled his plan by making it possible for all believers to become holy, “royal priests” (1 Peter 2:9). The death and resurrection of Christ has allowed each of us to approach God freely and to share his love with the world but God’s people are all tangled up and need a RED SEA rescue.

Today, please understand that God is planning a rescue for enslaved believer’s by His Whirlwind! 

He has been preparing us here as I was given a vision almost a year ago about how to “Win the War” post. Please see my vision regarding two company’s of seed provided in a vision within a harvest barn filled with wheat Wheat and Barley! [barley representing our spirit justification and wheat representing the mind’s sanctification]

Those wheat seed group just entering the Harvest Barn have been hoodwinked by the enemy. Our mind must be transformed while the wheat represents the mind of Christ preparing a harvest! If we're not in tune with God--then we are in tune with the enemy! Therefore, those unable to enter God’s presence cannot receive revelation and instructions to mature into a mind of Christ. These believer’s have been hoodwinked or tricked into following the plots of the enemy! 

The barley seed group also needs rescuing because they carry a vexed spirit that will not mature. We read about tares in God’s word. There are places within the soul that requires pruning or healing so their spirit can commune with God. The spirit that is vexed is in a state of suppression which happened sometime after their confession and belief that Christ is in fact their Savior. This inner man or spirit of a man is in pain keeping the believer on a merry-go-round of trials. Their trials are filled with temptations to sin, financial difficulties, losing a loved one, persecution, mockery or any number of other things that cause emotional and spiritual pain to cause a vexed Spirit-man. 

These poor souls succumb to temptations, engaging in actions that are sinful- such as pagan practices, Ouija boards, crystals, spirit consultation, medium consultation, or even deluding themselves with such things as romanticized imagery of vampires, zombies, devils, demons, ghosts, magic use, tarot cards, and any other things that is directly against the commands of God.

Jesus said, ‘one cannot eat at the same table as God and demons’ and ‘One cannot serve both God and Mammon’. So, anything that would cause a conflict within one’s self would be considered a ‘vexation of the spirit’.

This rescue is really a revival for the remnant to be freed from the adversary and to escape ancient Egypt or in todays terms “Babylon”. Many believers who have been ordained as the remnant, the called out one’s of Yah, across the world have been hoodwinked or vexed by the enemy! 

God said, If we trust God and Him alone, yokes of the Deceiver will be destroyed! I believe it because it happened to me!

Scripture tells us that “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1).

The Spirit of the Lord described the whirlwind as a Revival Break Out! (Acts 19) My friends, Holy Spirit Fire is coming like nothing we have ever seen before! 

17 All of the people in Ephesus were awestruck, both Jews and non-Jews, when they heard about what had happened. Great fear fell over the entire city, and the authority of the name of Jesus was exalted. 18 Many believers publicly confessed their sins and disclosed their secrets. 19 Large numbers of those who had been practicing magic took all of their books and scrolls of spells and incantations and publicly burned them. When the value of all the books and scrolls was calculated, it all came to several million dollars. 20 The power of God caused the word to spread, and the people were greatly impacted.

God is using His power in a whirlwind to place you in a spiritual Breakout! If you recall, it was a whirlwind that God used to take Elijah to heaven. (2 Kings 2:1-11)

I feel God’s breath blowing life upon His Remnant right now. It’s building in you today!

You see, if this whirlwind cloud is headed towards us, we must be aware that every thought we think, every attitude we have, and every action we take is motivated by one of three spirits—our own spirit, God’s Spirit or Satan’s spirit. 

God’s whirlwind is a chance to take a closer look at your life. Our intimate goals is to be one spirit with God. Take out your spiritual magnifying glass. . . . What do you see? How about asking the Holy Spirit what He sees? What needs to go? What sins are you being tricked into hiding? Ask for guidance and allow your spirit to be taken into another dimension of God?

If we ready ourselves now to break every yoke, we can stand with our eyes open when the Red Sea event happens and able to see what the Lord is revealing.

Elisha prayed, open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see. 2 Kings 6:17.

Activation - Allow the Holy Spirit to quicken your spirit concerning any issues or questions and take a moment to write them down as you hear them and come back to them later with God’s word in prayer and ask Holy Spirit to show you in His Word.

This takes courage, don’t you think Elisha was afraid? When we stand in faith the Spirit of God surrounds us just like the prophet Elisha. God’s horses and chariots of fire are waiting to transport each one to places of victorious victory. 

In our victory we are given a renewed mantle or mandate from God. I will talk about this in a following post but for now there is excitement within this whirlwind!

The whirlwind coming will be a storm of some sort, but as we stand to face it, freedom from deceitful yokes of captivity will ultimately catapult each one to appear before Yah’s throne. (Revelation 7:15)

So to be clear, don’t submit to fear it defiles us. Jesus Christ is not our security against the storms or coming whirlwind, but He is our PERFECT security in the storms. He never promised an easy passage only a SAFE landing. So let’s get into the habit of looking for the silver lining without fear or trembling aka grumbling! (Phil 2:12) 

This is an encouraging message if we pay attention to the leading of the Holy Spirit. God is coming! We will be given clear insights and ways of determining what spirit is motivating you to think or act the way you do. Begin by welcoming the opportunity to be loosed from the captivity of these deceiving spirits connected to the enemy like Jezebel. She is the mastermind who uses pride, resentment, jealousy, judgment etc., to yokes believers outside their Kingdom light [anointing]. Whether we are hoodwinked or vexed, this darkness is captivated through lies robbing one’s faith in God.

When I looked at this whirlwind, I could see God’s power within it. I want to encourage you in these days before [wheat harvest] to re-consecrate yourselves to the purposes and plans of God. 

In fact, before I was able to release this message, I actually had to repent for allowing an “Ahab” spirit access by taking communion with the Lord. Immediately, it left me! I felt a heaviness or yoke break off of me! This is how we cleanse ourselves and receive forgiveness of our repentance. Prayer and communion will rightly position you to receive protection during the whirlwind. 

According to the Book of ExodusGod commanded Moses to tell the Israelites to mark a lamb's blood above their doors so that the Angel of Death would pass over them: they would not be touched by the tenth Plague of Egypt, the death of the firstborn. After this Plague, Pharaoh ordered the Israelites to leave, taking whatever they wanted, and asked Moses to bless him in the name of God. The passage goes on to state that the Passover sacrifice recalls the time when God "passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt".[3]

Make no mistake there is a Baptism of Fire coming in the center of God’s whirlwind cloud! If you haven’t prepared yourself to clear the way, Jesus can’t come when in truth we know we are enslaved or indoctrinated by this fallen world.

It was shown that this whirlwind is coming to destroy the spirit of discouragement. If we know we are blessed by God, we can embrace this opportunity to remove yokes as they are revealed. Many are surrounded by deceptive spirits, boot these demons to the curb. I was very certain the Jezebel has a yoke planned for every one of us, so your preparations is paramount! A discouraged soul is a helpless and unable to stand against the devil’s schemes. Ephesians 6:11. 

When we pour-our-heart-out to God to ask him to rebuke the adversary, who is using the spirit of discouragement or any other emotion -that very instant, you have made the decision to turn-away from every symptom of discouragement, lack of trust, the Blessed Holy Spirit will reawaken your faith. 

God’s hand comes upon you to open the clasp of the yoke that has allowed the enemy’s grip! Believe me when I say it will happen, but it requires work and belief on your part!

Activation - The anointing oil comes from Jesus. So Picture yourself smeared with the oil of anointing and sliding out from under the heavy burden to which you have been enslaved—slipping out from the enemy’s grip into your newfound place of freedom. — yokes open and freedom falls over your body!

I will share my journal entry as I sat at the foot of Jesus in prayer to receive my rescue! 


My burdens and everything that I was carrying disappears and are gone … my shoulders are no longer heavy and a lightness within my mind is felt. My weightlessness relaxes me. A feel a metal clasp around my neck. I hear a snap and this collar has opened and it clinks to the floor. I can turn my neck freely as this heavy yoke has been removed. A strong truth begins to fill within me and I feel The Father’s nearness. 

Your decision to overcome with the Help of The Holy Spirit as your guide is literal a chain breaker! Then you can face God‘s divine breath brings strength to your soul. 

And as I anticipate this whirlwind, I hear The Father's voice speak tenderly: "Daughter, the whirlwind will thrust mine into the heavenly realm where we become one spirit as My Oil fills each on with love and a joy with no bounds. 

Come higher to use this oil for what the enemy intended for evil, let it  be exchanged for goodness to share with my people. I will not let you stumble as My heavenly angels are assigned to you. You are surrounded by blessings, my heavenly hosts and 24 elders all playing harp’s to lighten your path of provision. 

Listen now beloved remnant, Jesus warned of these days and every things is in place and the time is set for My whirlwind of Mercy to come for those written in Heaven. You are safe here and if you set your natural eyes on what is unfolding on earth, you will see death and destruction, so come now  - welcome me and I will impart the law of Jesus to set you free from sin and death! I want to fix you in the cleft of the rock to hide you from the shaking that is doing through a sweet fellowship! Love your Father and King

It’s time to evict the enemy and send him and his friends packing - it may take some doing but lean into God’s will through His Word to build uncompromising Faith to withstand this whirlwind that is headed our way! We must be free to be God’s ordained holy priests!

We can never see the sunrise by looking to the west right? 

Storms compel us to seek God’s promises, even if they appear cruel because they lead us into a tighter intensified grasp of faith. We walk away refined. The enemy won’t be able to stand near you. As we stand on faith. Faith is an Action! Jesus said, “according to your faith, let it be done to you” Matthew 9:29. Come Jesus come!


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