Part 2 - As I was asking the Lord about identifying His authentic Holy Spirit anointing, He led me to my dog. I seriously love how God speaks! My dog is a Great Dane known as a pure breed, but in actuality he is a cross of two breeds, the Mastiff and the Greyhound. 

Great Danes are known as the “Apollo” of dogs, gentle giants, people pleaser and home guardian. Just the site of my dog would scare an intruder but make no mistake that their friendliness is not soft as they have true courage and spirit. 

This sort of sounds like an ad doesn’t it, but this is not an advertisement. We as Christians are cross bred and we need to be pollinated or filled with the holy divine Spirit of God, not pollinated with a counterfeit spirit.

If you are living in the world you are familiar with the Greek god Apollo. He is known as an Olympian deity in classic Greek and Roman mythology god. I’m not a mythology fan, so I did a little research to discover Apollo was recognized as a god of archery or a great hunter, music, dance, prophecy, healing of diseases and poetry and he was the son of the famous Greek God Zeus. Also known as the eagle in mythology as the eagle to Zeus.

But I am a Berean of God’s Word, and know Apollo as a friend of Paul’s mentioned first in the Book of Acts, Chapter 18. 

Apollo was a converted Jew who became an evangelist with many gifts, but he only knew of the Baptism of John or repentance. It wasn’t until he was introduced to Pricilla and Aquila that he learned the way of God more accurately to receive the Baptism or indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Acts 18:2

It's no coincidence that the Apollo in the Bible has a demonic counterfeit spirit and is part of the Trojan spirit that the enemy has released. The true Apollo was a spirit filled evangelist, like you and me!

Because the church is completely out of order and God has been removed from our culture and society many believer’s have built their foundation of God on man-made doctrines and beliefs. 

This has created a wide-open door, even an invitation for these ancient devils comprised of the Trojan spirit to infiltrate or pollinate even the most sincere believer. 

Now, how can we determine if we are carrying or been pollinated by one of these ancient deity [demigod] spirit? 

And this my friends is the "Ouija Board" that I saw in my dream this week. A couple of sincere devote believers were playing this board game and enjoying the little devils spirits coming out of the board game. I even found myself playing in the dream before I got called away.

After seeking The Lord about my dream, He heard him say, “I am removing the ouija boards from belief systems.” 

Ouija boards are know by the occult as a spiritual activity. As Christians we know this game conjures up demonic dead [ancient] spirits and we do not want anything to do with this! 

Check out my research of the ancient gods, the first one is a Bee Goddess just like in my dream and many know this spirit as the kundalini spirit [K-spirit] and it too is connected to mythology like the Apollo spirit. [connected to mythology].  

And notice, a friend of mine pointed out that this K- spirit has the mark on her hands in the picture. Could this the mark of the beast? 

Is the beast a spiritual mark?

This bee goddess along with others has infiltrated many godly believers in the church causing all sorts of warfare. The bee goddess acts like a fake, holy spirit. 

We see manifestation of this spirit in videos where there is deliverance but what's actually happening is people are being infected or imparted with demonic spirits.  We see them flopping all around the floor or screaming, laughing and crying. This is not the spirit of God!

Some of the really well known charismatic Christians use these ancient spirits in their preaching to release signs and miracles in our generation. They are actually imparting demons. 

A current day example is Benny Hinn as he is now known as a fake, but what about the world renown Katherine Kuhlman

In my research I found She traveled to Asia and she may have been  indwelled by any of these Trojan spirit. The Hindu religion believes in love, kindness and peace, but Jesus is not their savior. Buddha is their God and this is a problem for those who have this spirit working in their soul. 

The entire battle of this Trojan is for souls. 

We must protect our souls by making up your mind to seek the truth wherever it leads. Jesus is truth!

This revelation has been my entire fall research. In fact, there isn’t a single report of Kathryn’s healing ministry proclaiming an actual long lasting healing. 

Then we have a modern day Kathryn Kuhlman known as Catherine Krick and she too claims she is anointed with power of Jesus Christ. 
She began in a park in Los Angeles, where miracles happen and people are healed, delivered, and transformed. She seems well intentional, but her doctrine is muddled causing an open door to these devils. She too is proclaiming this is the Holy Spirit, anointing of Jesus in her deliverance ministry, but it’s obvious this is a counterfeit. She claims she is an apostle and her anointing was imparted by her mentor or spiritual daddy GeorDavie (prophet)!

But after more research, her Tanzanian prophet’s GeorDavie has a large following in his country. There is a video of people worshiping at his feet, cheering him, throwing their clothes under his feet for him to walk on, riding in a Range Rover with his security team, people rolling out a red carpet for him to walk on after he steps out of a helicopter, and him wearing a crown while attending an event. A real prophet would not let people exalt and worship him. 

A real prophet would not tell people that there has to be a middle man (an apostle or prophet) between them and Jesus Christ. 

A real prophet’s job is to lead people directly to Jesus, allow Jesus to be exalted, and see people come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. 

This is a very serious error and a great deception. Anyone who follows a man like this and lets him become their spiritual father will come under his influence or authority of these demonic spirits and go into deception or could this be the mark of the beast!

So how do we know to differentiate between the Holy Spirit and the counterfeit spirits being released to well intended believers?

Seek the Lord, fast, pray and ask God to reveal any hinderances that you might be carrying! If we take the time to ask God to break any fake spirit working within our soul causing deception, He comes! But we must be prepared to walk it out. There are things within our lives we must let go of….

Then, we must renounce these evil spirits who have come to make residence within our souls and evict them by our authority in Christ. 

We are told by Jesus in Matthew 17 how to be delivered.

Jesus then said, ‘This kind of spirit will not leave a person unless you pray and you do not eat for a time.’]

The solution to these devil’s and their deception is for each follower of Jesus to seek the truth, speak the truth, and, most importantly, show the truth through the witness of our everyday lives. 

Why? Because we are representatives of our Lord, who is the truth! Of course, representing Christ as the truth can be difficult when we live in a world that doesn’t value or believe in “truth.”

Let me ask you a question, have you ever actually read the Bible? 

Do you study it? 

How are you handling it? 

I encourage each of you to read and digest God’s word for yourselves, every hindrance or lil god will be revealed as you sit at the foot of Jesus by The Holy Spirit. We are all meant to walk free, let us hear the Roar of Judah in our lives.


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