Do not quench the Spirit. 1 THESSALONIANS 5:19
The Voice of the Spirit builds faith.
So God, who knows the heart, [a]acknowledged them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He did to us, and made no distinction between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. Acts 15:8-9
Our Faith is wholeness.
When we are linked to God through faith, we can walk in peace, be calm and have harmony by trusting God.
However, the enemy sure loves to fragment us, doesn’t he?
This is the opposite of wholeness. Any place in our life in which we don’t have peace is a place that the enemy has broken to pieces. These places need our attention, where ever faith is absent there is fragmentation.
How do we fix our fragmented faith? We must read His Word, trust the Lord from the bottom of our hearts. Stop trying to figure everything out for ourselves. We wait and listen for His Voice in everything and everywhere we go, not sulking under His discipline or loving correction just like we are told in Proverbs 3:5-12.
In fact, it’s our child like faith, trusting the Lord in the coming shift with supernatural faith that will bind-up our wounds and make His Word come alive in one of us. to us by His healing balm of wine and oil into every willing believer who fully believes "The Full Gospel". Not only is this our testimony to the supernatural, but a guide to activating it in our personal life and the lives of others. This is His Ekklesia church.
It all starts with our faith.
Our faith, or God’s grace brings wholeness. When we walk in wholeness, we can expect Jesus to heal us and walk with us. 🕊️
Now, let me share my first experience of trusting the lord’s voice, to build my faith.
During my eldest son junior year in high school, one of his dearest friends committed suicide. Today, I know this is a demonic assignment and had we known we might have been able to help.
I was new to the hearing the Spirit of the Lord and I was being trained up. Each morning as I made breakfast for my boys, I heard, “Go tell Clara that it’s not her fault and Austin loved her (she was his aunt). Over and over, day after day I heard this in my head. I kept saying who am I lord to approach this woman then, I heard, “she isn’t sleeping”, now go today.
As you can imagine the battle raged within me. It took me weeks to find the courage to drive up to her coffee shack, order coffee and give her the message from God. I wasn’t brave enough to stick around nor was I brave enough to pray with her, but I did rely the message.
Fast forward a year to my son’s graduation day, and there was Austin on the huge graduation screen hugging my son from the back as they ran track together. It was a shocking moment for me, but the students had voted to include Austin as he was a ray of light to his entire class and the shock of his death was still felt. Austin was the kid that always came along side his classmates in their struggles to make them laugh or to encourage them. It was a tearful moment for all but a perfect tribute in my opionion.
When graduation concluded, we filtered out of the auditorium to congratulate the students, here comes Clare with a huge smile on her face. She said, Angela, I have been looking for you and why haven’t you come to see me? I said, I am sorry I have wanted to but just felt I would cause you pain. She said, do you know I had not slept for nearly 2 months after Austin died, but after that day you came to see me, I had slept so good. I never dreamed about him killing himself in my bathroom again. I said, good, because it felt crazy giving you that message, but knew I had to be obedient to God.
God sent his word, and Jesus healed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
I was hands, feet and voice for Jesus in this moment to carry the weight of mercy and faith for Clare’s healing. These two are essential to enter God’s Glory in the coming revival.
As for me, I will behold Your face in righteousness; when I awake, I will be satisfied in Your presence. Psalm 17:15
This revival of the Spirit is about to invade every governing believers body to feel the flow of His Holy Water to pour into them through His flowing waters. These waters are going to change you!
It’s exciting to see God’s Well break loose!”
Last week, my husband baptized his best friend in our river. We have been praying for this moment for nearly 30 years. Please be encouraged by this … many of your prayers are about to be answered.
Your prayers are needed and used now in this hour for those just entering the Kingdom Gates.
This is what the well that has broke loose is all about. We shall witness much in this move or shift of GOD, but you and I must be praying for it to come! We have to speak it forward! We have to speak our prayers into the atmosphere.
These last few years have been for our refinement (plan-demic) to led us into a whole new level of faith. This shift has invaded our belief systems governing every body of Christ as we have not had the luxury to be lazy or ignorant of God’s truth.
We are awake, but wait, more revelation is coming.
The Lord said, Awake to righteousness, and do not sin; for some do not have the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame. 1 Corinthians 15:34
Our Father in heaven wants revival for every living soul on earth, but He is asking us right now to pray it into existence. Pray God’s Grip takes ahold of every soul in Jesus Name!
As we learn to embrace His supernatural faith, God provides the keys to walk in the spirit wherever we go, no matter the time of day!
The Lord said, "This awakening will happen rapidly once my believers embrace it.”
Being aware of the reign and rule of God begins within our hearts - -until it reaches our minds and overtakes our soul to dismantle our will.
Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done. Luke 22:42
Hallelujah, let God’s shift begin today in our hearts!
God is planning to use our supernatural faith to release what He needs for the shifting of our government, our communities, and broken families.
Let His revival begin.
Not one prayer will be unfruitful or unproductive!
Our prayers will be filling the bowls of heaven (Revelation 5:6). Each had a harp and each had a bowl, a gold bowl filled with incense, the prayers of God’s holy people.
You and I are God’s holy people. If you know God you are worthy of your prayers.
Before entering supernatural faith, We have a received a new awareness of who God is and what he is doing in our trials and struggles. He is uses everything and we understand and begin to celebrate. Our new perspective moves us into His supernatural faith.
This is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Jesus for the Holy Spirit.
This is exactly what Jesus had to do before healing the leper who dropped to his knees and said, “Lord if you are willing, heal my body.” He was begging. He showed His willingness to be made whole, and really expected healing.
Jesus said, “You are cleansed and your grateful life, not my words, will bear witness to what I have done.” Our actions, thoughts & feelings make us clean.
The Book of Romans Chapter 14 verse 17 tells us the kingdom of God is “righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”
Being grateful in our struggles is how we bend our will to become righteous.
Righteousness is such a beautiful word and we talk about it all the time. In fact, it's written in the bible 828 times. It's a powerful word, but what does it actual mean to you and me?
Righteousness, is a heart adjustment. I like to say, when our heart is right with God we are righteous -- this is our key to experience supernatural faith which comes with fruits of peace and joy, no matter our current circumstances.
In general, we can understand and desire to walk in supernatural peace and joy, but without the Holy Spirit giving us a revelation of righteousness through faith, we cannot experience it because our flesh rules us.
Our Adam fallen human nature always takes the drivers seat allowing our mind to override our spirit.
We need to pray, “God Grip us!”
This truth ultimately pokes at my deep. I mean I talk about this all time, but most recently, the Lord led me to Evan Roberts.
I never even heard of him and you probably haven’t either. Holy Spirit has been saying learn about him, learn about revival, so I am. It’s has ignited my spirit to read such compelling stories.
Here is what I discovered about Evan Roberts. He was a very young man from Wales, who was passionate for Christ and I mean passionate. He was so hungry for God, he begged God to come and he played a significant part of his country’s revival.
I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “If you can learn about revival, it can be ignited within your heart.”
Evan’s unquenchable thirst for Christ and his desire for freedom from his sin was found in his intimacy with God.
We must have a relationship with God.Pretty much all I ever talk about huh!
Evan had to learn how to access God. He had to learn to humble himself to such a degree that truth came to set him free. To learn to do this, we must bend our will to let God’s anointing come over us. Our will battles to control our spirit.
We must continue to surrender our flesh. Right?
Evan figured out that this outpouring of the Holy Spirit came upon him to engulf those who attended his tent meetings. This was the start of Wales Revival.
Today believers have a knowledge of God, which is wonderful, but God is looking for people with His heart and His Mind.
We are such a smart bunch of believers aren’t we, but our spirits can not arise because we think too much!! As I was researching Evan Robert’s I was given a vision in my mind and we know this as walking in spirit.
This realm is unknown to believers whose mind controls their thoughts not their spirit. They are not filled continuously with the Spirit of God because their will cannot let go and let God.
This is not condemnation at all, this is awareness!
And this is not a salvation issue, but to enter Gods Kingdom realm, it’s just a little too weird. Too fanatical and even risky.
Well, folks that is what it takes… get a little weird with me for a minute.
The Lord is calling you now to have faith enough to receive from Him. A few weeks ago, I was given a dream and the spirit of the Lord said, “Angela, what are you waiting for? You are running out of time!”
I have been given an understanding that this GLORY Gate [door] is open for each generation and the last known opening was over 75 years ago. It’s time!
We must visual the Kingdom before we can enter its realm. Over the years, I have come to learn that there are levels of faith for which each believer must have to enter and understand this sort of revelation.
Recently, I was led to read and listen to Chuck Pierce, a very positive prophetic voice and confirmation for what I am sharing by the Spirit. A great book to read for a better understanding of the levels of faith is “The Worship Warrior” by John Dickson and Chuck Pierce.
It amazes me how many Christians, though they claim to believe the Bible and would say they believe in these “heavenly places,” still have a problem consciously dealing with it.
Many, for example, take issue with any form of prayer dealing with demons, angels, or invisible strongholds (i.e., spiritual warfare). Many unbelievers have an even greater problem acknowledging the spiritual realm. The very suggestion that an invisible sphere is influencing the visible world elicits immediate skepticism (or mockery) and often an inference that anyone who believes in this realm is not in touch with reality.
I will say it again, we are about to enter a major shift in our generation, I believe it’s started in May so if you’ve had some real crazy things happening, your enemy does not want you to enter the shift. Keep battling! Keep Praising God!
You are worthy, I don’t care what the enemy says, YOU ARE WORTHY. God needs you
God needs his remnant ready for the coming harvest for this generation.
God’s shift comes with judgments for anyone outside or on the porch of the tabernacle. This does not mean you are not worthy! This means you have more refining! This means that
This is a gift from GOD. Start treating every trial as a gift and watch as the enemy flees!
The warning have gone out, see my Time to Go post or podcast if you missed it. God is looking for those who are ready and willing to sacrifice everything for His son’s sake.
In order for me to approach Clare, I could not be afraid of what she thought! Even though I was scared, I did it! It wasn’t perfect, but look at the outcome.
Are you there?
Are there people in your life that need to hear from God through you?
Are there People you need to pray for but hold a grudge towards and refuse to lift them up? If we don’t pray for these people, how do we expect them to enter the Kingdom.
If we don’t wake up tomorrow, could we face Jesus?
Our warning against idleness in the days we are living can be found in the Book of 2 Thessalonians:
Listen, we must Stand Firm — 13 But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters loved by the Lord, because God chose you as firstfruits[b] to be savedthrough the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth. 14 He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.15 So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings[c] we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter. 16 May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved usand by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope,17 encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-16
I am at the beach and I can hear the waves crashing onto the beach. On my left there is a huge rock ledge and it would be something you would definitely see on the coast of Wales. It’s a beautiful day, the seagulls are squawking and up ahead I can see a small gathering of people. There is a tent on the right and rows of white chairs with an isle between the two rows. A setup that is similar to a wedding.
As I am standing on the beach with the waves on my right, I am brought closer, and I could see a gathering place to the right, with a large tent with tables, and there was a person sitting at a head table with a large book in front of him. It appeared these people roaming around were setting things up.
As each person aproached the head table, they signed in and immediately became dressed in beautiful white garments. As I am admiring their attire, Evan Roberts, the revivalist I had just recently learned about looks at me like he knows me and smiles. I admire his features as he is tall with shoulder length curled hair. He is dressed with short puffy pants and loosely fitted cotton shirt just like you would see someone dressed on an early 1900 seaship. Evan was directing his helpers pointing to things and as he gave instructions these helpers would rush off.
There was a table on the right that looked to have jewelry, the Spirit of the Lord, said they were signets rings. As I am thinking about this, I turn to look behind me and to my shock, I see thousands or maybe even a million of people walking towards Evan’s tent. Then I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “they are almost here, the fire is about to start.”
I have waited to share this vision, because I was hoping for more revelation, but I feel it’s time to share it as the Lord has shared many of our hindrances in enter His Kingdom realm have slowly fallen away! You are ready to enter. Praise GOD!
Wrong conclusions will keep you in bondage. 2 Peter 1:9, 9 But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins.
You have realized your sins cannot hold you back.
If you have never had an encounter, you have not penetrated His Second Veil. It’s time to stop analyzing the word of God and make FAITH your first priority. Find your blockage. A friend of mine, is actually getting BAPTIZED {his second pouring} because he feels the Holy Spirit is blocked [stronghold] by a religious spirit, so he can’t hear the Spirit of the Lord.
When we become desperate and hungry for God, He moves and things will begin to change and manifest in our life so we can hear Him.
We are running out of time. His Glory Cloud won’t hang over us forever. May I point out, you are here reading and listening because you feel a witness, God has called you. His Holy Spirit is saying, “Activate your God given Anointing”!
Each of us are born with the seed of God within us, believing you are worthy is step one! Step two is to become hungry for God.
Our hunger for things above builds our faith and our faith determines our level of power and anointing. I pray that you understand that this is the true ministry of Jesus.
Jesus is in you! ACTIVATE HIM!!
Under Holy Spirit supervision, it’s time to shift to enter revival and God’s Glory Cloud!
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