The word “wilderness” is mentioned at least  279 times in the Bible. We have been on a trek through a wilderness or two to find our way to the spiritual City of Jerusalem.

We will all pass through some or many wildernesses in my case because it is in God’s merciful plan for us to hear His voice and learn from Him. The name of the wilderness becomes the theme of the lesson God teaches us there. But no follower of Jesus should ever pass through two wildernesses named in the Bible—the first one is Moab and the other is Bethaven. We shall avoid them both!

A few years ago, I heard the warning “DO NOT ENTER MOAB” just after I was awaken by the Lord.The MOAB wilderness is a place of great sin, defeat and lacks the favor of God. 

The first mention of Moab in the Scriptures is dealing with an incestuous relationship between Lot and his oldest daughter (Genesis 19:36–37). The child born of this sin was named Moab, which means “he came from his father.” Moab was destined to have no part in the inheritance of Israel (Deuteronomy 2:9), and the children of Israel were to have no part with Moab. 

It was in the field of Moab that Midian met total defeat (Genesis 36:35). This is the wilderness that belongs to those who have turned away from God’s best for their lives, hardened their hearts, and refused to walk away from the sin. 

You WILL NOT face this wilderness because you’re an overcomer who has chosen to follow Jesus no matter what the cost.

I was looking back through my journals and found an entry about the wilderness of Moab. But first I want to share one of the first whisper’s I received from Yah early in my journey. This was during a time when I was new to hearing His voice. I pray it will bless you, encourage and stir you to seek the deeper things of The Father no matter where you are in your spiritual journey.

                              - - The Whisper from Yah - - God of Power

My people do not understand that I created everything, including the demonic to battle with them. This battle on earth allows a sifting and molding of my children that can only be done through trials and suffering. 

This is the journey to my promise land, a narrow road and a difficult path that only my overcomer’s will find. Those who understand that you are not under My Law of Moses, but have given-up things that appeal to their flesh in order to enter My Tabernacle to commune with Me. 

So many still searching for My Tabernacle, but their desires of their flesh speak louder than My Son Yahshua, the true vine & bearer of fruit. His blood will cleanse and purge one to taketh away the branches within that need trimming. If you abide in Him, you will find Me, your Heavenly Father Yahweh (Hebrew for God) and I shall abide in you. 

If you do the things I command of you, we shall be great friends My Beloved. I will send the HOLY SPIRIT to dwell in you and you will be baptized by My FIRE. My Spirit of Truth shall comfort and burn inside of you making you My Shining Light. He will guide you in all TRUTH, for he shall speak only what he hears from me and speaketh to you. He shall warn and share things to come. You have not chosen Me, I have chosen you. Once ordained, you shall go forth and bring fruit in My Holy Name and much will be given to you. I give you peace, as I send you forth, Love Yahweh, the great IAM and Creator of ALL things.

Journal Entry NOVEMBER 10 - 1:27 PM
Holy Spirit Fire Come upon me … save my soul!

While praying this morning, I heard in my spirit, “MOAB, do not enter“

In Old Testament accounts (e.g., Genesis 19:30–38), the Moabites belonged to the same ethnic stock as the Israelites. Their ancestral founder was Moab, a son of Lot, who was a nephew of the Israelite patriarch Abraham. Their god-protector of their nation was Chemosh [demonic diety], just as Yahweh was the national God of the Israelites. In the book of Isaiah 15, Yahweh wanted to destroy it for its sins against him and this land oppressed his people. 

I could not find any worship of Yahweh in the land of Moab. The significance of the land of Moab is similar to Sodom & Gomorrah. The sinful city where Lot and his wife resided and she is turned into a pillar of salt. The wickedness of this city became legendary and most of us know it was destroyed by fire. So, when the lord spoke to me regarding Moab, I wasn’t aware how corrupt the land was until I started researching it.  Now I know why I should not enter MOAB!

Moab was where Ruth was born. Great book to read about loyalty towards a mother-in-law (Naomi). Naomi never found favor in the lord, having lost her husband and two sons in Moab. Moab had a culture difficult to follow our Heavenly Father, therefore, making God’s people feel separated, spiritually comprised and easily deceived. The people in the land of Moab were worshipping idols and serving strange gods making them rebellious and sinful in the eyes of Yahweh. 

In Psalms 60:8 the Lord saysMoab is my washout” . Meaning its a filthy despised vessel used by slaves to wash the feet of their victor. 

Judgments to the land of Moab; Isaiah 15.

1. They had shortages to food. Their famine was caused by drought. - lack of rain by God.

2. They had shortage of FAITH, in the days when the judges ruled because they didn’t have kings. This is revealed in Judges 21:25, “Those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” Men were not concerned with living according to Yahweh. They did what was right in their own eyes which was accepted in their society. How are we taking care of our concerns in our own way today?

This does not please our heavenly Father. The Father wants us to consult him in everything, so he can bless us with His favor above all things. However, doing this comes with Faith, and faith cannot be seen. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1

3. Moab had a great shortage of FAVOR. Our favor of the lord comes with abiding in him and seeking his will, as we are his servants. When we seek other gods, like the Moabites, living to feed our soul with things that satisfy our flesh, this does not glorify The Father. Yahweh is displeased with us. “God will remove his hand of favor and his people with suffer in his absence.” Romans 11:2-5. Moab turned from God, therefore there was going to be consequences and they were not going to be protected by God. Sadly this sounds like the world we live in today.

4. Moab had a great famine of HEARING from Yahweh. They couldn’t hear God speaking because they were too busy satisfying themselves with things that fed their flesh or little gods. Are we doing this again today? Can you hear his small voice or are you too busy? 

He is beckoning us to come, sit beside his son, Yahshua on the Mercy Seat in his Tabernacle and commune with him.  

Father, the hour is come; glorify the Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should be give eternal life. To as many as thou hast given him. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” John 17:1-2


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