On April 3rd, I was given a dream just before waking up.

I was standing on a ramp of a huge cargo ship that had just come into port. It was a busy port and out of the corner of my eye, a man on a pedal bike rides off the ship down the ramp right in front of me. He’s healthy looking about 30 years old and wearing a gold chain with a cross on his neck. He is completely bald. He had a youthfulness about him making his is pedaling seem a little wild. He rides straight down the ramp at the bottom he doesn’t turn like I expected, his bike is lifted straight up off the platform towards the sky. While he is floating upwards, he never stops pedaling as fast as he can. I see a string and it tied to the back of his bike. This thin white string was a tether to everything on earth. The rider literally reaches his hand back to untie this string without a moments delay. He continues to floats upwards towards heaven. I watch until he disappears into the clouds and then I wake up.

As we seek The Father the heavenly realm touches the physical realm of earth through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is working through believers everywhere. I believe this dream is a depiction of what’s happening right now for each of us.

The things we were previously tangled or tethered too are being untied within hearts and souls by the leading of The Holy Spirit. 

Remember the picture of the row boat at sea, called Mount Sinai? Well, these row boats at sea have just come into port. 

Now remember Paul in Acts, he was led by The Spirit to pass through many cities on his journey. It’s imperative that we listen to The Spirit. Believer’s are traveling on the wheels of a bike to make this trip quicker! 

He divided the sea, and caused them to pass through; and he made the waters to stand as an heap. Psalm 78:13

We can assume the bald man in my dream on the bike is headed to the Throne of God. In the Book of Leviticus, we are told it's OK to be bald. “If a man loses the hair of his head and becomes bald, he is pureHe’s pedaling up or traveling to heaven with a pure heart. As you and I sit in our secret place, we are given directions, instructions and inspiration directly from God’s throne for the days ahead! Hallelujah

You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings, and brought you to Myself. Now therefore, if you will in fact obey My voice and keep My covenant (agreement), then you shall be My own special possession and treasure from among all peoples [of the world], for all the earth is Mine; and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation [set apart for My purpose].’ These are the words that you shall speak to the Israelites.” Exodus 19:4-6 AMP 

Amazing things are about to happen when you wait upon the Lord. In our obedience and as we meditate upon His Word, the Spirit of God will lift us in the spirit, just like in my dream. We light up the spiritual atmosphere surrounding us. 

This will happen more and more as the days go by. It will happen more and more frequently because the time for the sons of God to be revealed is drawing closer. 

The atmosphere of Heaven is all around believers, and every Christian must have a spirit that is consumed with the Word of God and with Holy Ghost fire. Soon, everything that the Lord has promised to every believer will come forth. 

It is time every Christian move to inherit the land the Lord has provided. 

Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children. Revelation 21:7

Every Christian must wait upon Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to ignite [baptism of fire] them from within. The angels who are playing harps in Revelation are prepared to help every believer as the Holy Spirit ignites each person. Wait on the Lord, and keep His way, and He shall exalt you to inherit the land (Psalm 37:34).

But a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such as these to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:23-24 BSB - 

There is still time to prepare but we must not delay because God is raising a remnant who will be pure in heart, mind, deeds to worship The Lord in spirit and truth. I can’t stress enough. We don’t want to miss God’s Glory. It’s mounting, we feel it, let’s be ready to receive everything God has for each of us.

May grace and perfect peace cascade over you as you live in the rich knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. Everything we could ever need for life and complete devotion to God has already been deposited in us by his divine power. For all this was lavished upon us through the rich experience of knowing him who has called us by name and invited us to come to him through a glorious manifestation of his goodness. As a result of this, he has given you magnificent promises that are beyond all price, so that through the power of these tremendous promises you can experience partnership with the divine nature, by which you have escaped the corrupt desires that are of the world. So devote yourselves to lavishly supplementing your faith with goodness, and to goodness add understanding, and to understanding add the strength of self-control, and to self-control add patient endurance, and to patient endurance add godliness, and to godliness add mercy toward your brothers and sisters, and to mercy toward others add unending love. Since these virtues are already planted deep within, and you possess them in abundant supply, they will keep you from being inactive or fruitless in your pursuit of knowing Jesus Christ more intimately. But if anyone lacks these things, he is blind, constantly closing his eyes to the mysteries of our faith, and forgetting his innocence—for his past sins have been washed away. For this reason, beloved ones, be eager to confirm and validate that God has invited you to salvation and claimed you as his own. If you do these things, you will never stumble. As a result, the kingdom’s gates will open wide to you as God choreographs your triumphant entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Messiah (2 Peter 1:2-11 TPT).

In my generation, believer’s have had a false concept of greatness. To them, success meant recognition and praise from people. Forgetting they are to be led by the Spirit and instead confused work as being righteousness! This is a spirit of legalism and this is being rectified in this hour. Every believer is about to be concerned about the approval of God. No longer will religion be used to attract attention, nor used to glorify God (Matthew 23:5-12; 5:16). True greatness will be found in serving others, not in forcing others to serve you (John 3:30; 13:12–17). True greatness is not manufactured but in seeking God as they obey Him. If we exalt ourselves, God will humble us in the coming funnel cloud whirlwind, but if we humble ourselves, in due time God will exalt us (1 Pet. 5:6).

Peter tells us, 7-11 Everything in the world is about to be wrapped up, so take nothing for granted. Stay wide-awake in prayer. Most of all, love each other as if your life depended on it. Love makes up for practically anything. Be quick to give a meal to the hungry, a bed to the homeless—cheerfully. Be generous with the different things God gave you, passing them around so all get in on it: if words, let it be God’s words; if help, let it be God’s hearty help. That way, God’s bright presence will be evident in everything through Jesus, and he’ll get all the credit as the One mighty in everything—encores to the end of time.  1 Peter 4:7-11 
Paul prayed a prayer that each of us must also pray. This prayer will help to move you into the very center of God’s will for your life. 

Paul’s prayed in the following way: 

I pray that the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to you [me] the riches of the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of revelation to know him through your [my] deepening intimacy with him. I pray that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your [my] imagination, flooding you [me] with light, until you [I] experience the full revelation of the hope of his calling—that is, the wealth of God’s glorious inheritances that he finds in us [me], his holy ones [one]! I pray that you [I] will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you [me] through faith. Then your lives [my life] will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you [me]! This is the mighty power that was released when God raised Christ from the dead and exalted him to the place of highest honor and supreme authority in the heavenly realm! And now he is exalted as first above every ruler, authority, government, and realm of power in existence! He is gloriously enthroned over every name that is ever praised, not only in this age, but in the age that is coming! And he alone is the leader and source of everything needed in the church. God has put everything beneath the authority of Jesus Christ and has given him the highest rank above all others. And now we [I], [part of] his church, are his body on the earth and that which fills him [us] who is being filled by it! (Ephesians 1:17-23 TPT)

Once we overcome every evil part of our heart, we become Kingdom inhabitants while on earth. We reign here and walk as the torch of the Lord. Those who respond in obedience to His voice, have a scroll that can only be opened by Jesus, the Messiah. God calls all things according to His will into existence.

The heavens are the Lord’s heavens, but the earth has He given to the children of men. Psalm 115:16

We have been living in an age of grace or described as time of transition and it’s time! We all feel it because God’s nudge is pressing us in all directions by food prices, crazy politics, our dishonest government, the woke agenda etc.

I believe God is saying, “It’s time now.”

Let me explain this; it’s like having a beautiful garden full of beautiful flowering trees and orchards. Then all of a sudden a bulldozer within our society comes in and began pushing everything outside of God into chaos. This is how we are living! We don’t know what’s going on but then after it’s pushed over, we see the Teraphim [fallen ones] who have invaded the soil of man’s heart. Miles and miles of soil, nothing is growing in this soil as everything of the living God has been devoured by these fallen entities. Everything that was previously built is like sinking sand [not foundational of God]. Now God is saying I am parting the red sea … all these fallen ones are being evicted and believers will be freed.

Get ready remnant, it’s time to rebuild everything within our garden.

You are rising like the perfectly fitted stones of the temple; and your lives are being built up together upon the ideal foundation laid by the apostles and prophets, and best of all, you are connected to the Head Cornerstone of the building, the Anointed One, Jesus Christ himself! (Ephesians 2:20 TPT)


You see, the mind has ruled over the body of Christ since the fall of man. However as we enter the coming Whirlwind, there is going to be a [mass] conversion within the spirit of man. 

Each one overcoming every bit if deceitful land within their hearts, all 12 tribes of Israel will have come together because our body is the temple and our spirit was sent here by God. We will all be connected by spirit, hearing God simultaneously by the Holy Spirit inside of us. He is wanting to speak out and testify of God from every believer. So when we pray in the Spirit, we pray out the mysteries of God. Without the Holy Spirit guiding our prayers in the Spirit, we otherwise would not know how to pray perfectly. 

The Holy Spirit helps us to pray a perfect prayer that coordinates completely with God’s Word and also with His will for our lives. His holy angels gather together around as we pray out the mysteries. They are not mysteries to the angels because they hear the will of the Lord as we speak forth, and they are ready to act. Remember that when we pray, we actually yield to the throne room of God and His authority. 

Your spirit was placed in your mother’s womb and it knows everything of God. When we return to heaven, we don’t’ have our body, we are just spirit. So when we enter the coming whirlwind, every pure hearted believer will be sown with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to reign within them! A full baptism of fire for those courageous enough to face the storm! 

And those that come out of whirlwind, the remnant will be walking in Divine Grace and will not need a prophet because “they will shine”, says the Lord.

So God can point to us in all future ages as examples of the incredible wealth of his grace and kindness toward us, as shown in all he has done for us who are united with Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:7 (AMP)

This Divine Grace occurs out of the work of repentance. It happens in the wilderness a place of consecration & changed. It was at Gilgal that the Israelites were circumcised and celebrated their first Passover, and for us it really means repentance. 

As the remnant stands at the foot of Jesus to repent, a circumcision of the mind occurs to where their mind becomes obedient to the spirit of God. This circumcision of our minds has been planned. The hoodwinked ones will be freed. The vexed ones with oppressed spirits will be freed. And minds and hearts will be completely in tune with Jesus Christ! 

The Lord has planned strategies to bring this victory in every challenge that we are about to face on this earth. The Lord has preordained times and seasons, and He continually gives information concerning them to his Saints.

In Acts 1:7 Jesus states, “The Father is the one who sets the fixed dates and the times of their fulfillment. You are not permitted to know the timing of all that he has prepared by his own authority” (TPT). We need to pray and ask God to reveal His plans to us. We all have a part to play. We also need to pray and ask Him to give us wisdom so that we are ready to do our part to fulfill those things that He desires. The fulfillment of His desires will occur in our present time. The time in which we now live is actually the end of this dispensation. That means that we have entered into the time when the whole earth is being filled with His glory.

It’s a time my friends when true Christians or God’s Ekklesia will rise on earth and we will begin to see into the spirit realm through faith. 

We will be known as True servants of the Lord. We will be brought into a place of loving one another to where we have total control over our tongue, conversations and how to express and present things so others so they will follow. All three conversation, expression and presentation will be done in such sincere love that only through the glory of God!

When we mature to this degree, our carnal mind cannot locate this place but when we allow God to be the driving force of our being, we become the peacemakers. Mt. 5:9 says, “There is a blessing for the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God.” Psalm 119:165 says, “That those who love God’s law have great peace and nothing can cause them to stumble.” 

Every single one will walk in the demonstration of God’s love as our mind is fixed on Him. Therefore even in extreme situations, we will maintain peace that surpasses all understanding. (Phil 4:7) You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. (Is. 26:3). We walk in love, be holy, and carry knowledge and understanding because we have received a double portion because our spirit has been resurrected from the dead. This is the true rapture doctrine, your spirit has been given full authority to reign! Hallelujah!

For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father. Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. (Ephesians 2:18-22)

God’s remnant will walk in authority too like Elisha. Elijah performed 8 miracles but Elisha performed double; God worked 16 miracles through Elisha, the "man of God."  

Listen for the harp today to reveal God’s Hidden treasures to you, his Remnant and Elect spoken of in Revelation are about to arise! I believe this is our true Harpazo aka RAPTURE while on earth. Don’t miss this…. The day of the Lord is coming but not before every single chosen one is freed and found pure like the man in my dream!

The time is now, search your heart, ask the Holy Spirit for guidance, the pit has been opened and there are 7 bowls of wrath spoken of in Revelation 16 are headed to earth. Let His whirlwind kiss you! 

Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Psalm 85:10

John’s explains that the bowls are a result of humanity's sin and rebellion, God pours out seven bowls of fire on humanity.

John begins, “Then I heard a loud voice from the temple telling the seven angels, ‘Go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God’” (Revelation 16:1).

God picked you, you were chosen before you were born, now let’s get busy seeking the Lord for our individual scroll of instructions. We shall Pray without ceasing for souls and protection for our youth and children in the coming days. Jesus is coming! 


How do you feel about homework? If we study the miracles 24 miracles in scripture, the spirit of God will work in you to provide a revelation within your own life.

Elijah's 8 miracles:

  1. Shut up the heavens causing a drought (1 Kng 17:1)
  2. Multiplied flour and oil for a widow (1 Kng 17:14-16)
  3. Raised a widow's son from the dead (1 Kng 17:17, 22-23)
  4. Defeated the prophets of Baal with fire from heaven (1 Kng 18:25-38)
  5. Brought rain to end the drought (1 Kng 18:41-45)
  6. Destroyed 51 soldiers with fire (2 Kng 1:9-10)
  7. Destroyed 51 soldiers with fire and lightening (2 Kng 1:9-11-12)
  8. Parted the waters of the Jordan River (2 Kng 2:8)

Elisha's 16 miracles:

  1. Parted the waters of the Jordan River (2 Kng 2:14)
  2. Purification of the water source for Jericho (2 Kng 2:18-22)
  3. Protection of the prophet by two she-bears (2 Kng 2:23-25)
  4. Water for the army of Israel and success over the Moabites (2 Kng 3:16-25)
  5. Providing the widow's oil (2 Kng 4:1-7)
  6. Elisha's annunciation prophecy for the woman from Shunem (2 Kng 4:8-17)
  7. Resurrection of the son of the Shunammite woman (2 Kng 4:18-37) 
  8. Purified the poison soup (2 Kng 4:38-41)
  9. Multiplication of loaves (2 Kng 4:42-44)
  10. Healing of Naaman (2 Kng 5:1-19)
  11. Gehazi cursed with a skin disease (2 Kng 5:25-27)
  12. Miracle of finding the axe (2 Kng 6:1-7)
  13. Capturing a band of Aramaeans by striking them blind (2 Kng 6:8-23)
  14. Prophesizing relief from the enemy and the famine (2 Kng 6:24-7:20)
  15. Prophesizing the death of Ben-Hadad and the rise of Hazael (2 Kng 8:7-15)
  16. Prophesizing that Israel's defeat of King Hazael of Damascus (2 Kng 13:14-19)


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