As Moses went up to meet God, God called down to him from the mountain: “Speak to the House of Jacob, tell the People of Israel: ‘You have seen what I did to Egypt and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to me. If you will listen obediently to what I say and keep my covenant, out of all peoples you’ll be my special treasure. The whole Earth is mine to choose from, but you’re special: a kingdom of priests, a holy nation.’ “This is what I want you to tell the People of Israel.” Exodus 19:3-6

As I read these verses, I am reminded of a time in my life over two decades ago when The Lord opened a door that could only be seen as a miracle. He literally carried me on His Wings to a new place exactly seven hours and one state away. The Lord graciously moved my little family and I to a place where the majority of people were devoted followers of Jesus! This amazing discovery made a way for us to be Bold in our faith! It was fun to go out to dinner and see people praying before their meal. We were so bold we actually hand stamped, “Jesus loves you” on every single cup that left our coffee shop. My husband a metal artist fabricated iron crosses to sell. They were so popular we could not keep them in our inventory. The Lord moved us not only physically but to a place where we could grow spiritually. This what I am sensing in this season for the body of Christ. New doors of opportunity are being opened to mature the church body!

The Spirit of God is laying deeply upon my heart that in order to walk through this new door, we must deal with “the fringe”.  

At first mention of “the fringe”, I was taken back to that sci-fi show in the early 2000. However, the fringe today would be considered the tassels on the corner of the garments in the Old Testament. The tassels were made of blue indicating a sign of obedience towards the Lord.It’s more important now than ever for every believer to be rooted and established in Lord Jesus Christ.

The LORD said to Moses,“Speak to the sons of Israel and tell them to make for themselves tassels on the hems of their garments throughout their generations, and put a cord of blue on the tassel of each hem. Numbers 15:37-38 AMP 

Even though the Israelites had rebelled against the Lord and were under judgment, like our world today, God still planned to give them their promise land in Canaan. You shall make yourself tassels on the four corners of the garment with which you cover yourself.” This was one of Israel’s distinctive marks to follow God’s law in obedience. Each one of us should be recognizable by the world by their holiness.

When I began asking the Lord what these tassels represented for you and I, He led me to the first nine verses of Daniel 1. Daniel is a portrait of an uncompromising life. Daniel made up his mind that he would not live on the “fringe” of compromise. He would not defile himself with the king’s choice of food or wine by asking permission for a different diet from the commander that he might not defile himself. God grants Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of this commanding officer.

We live every day on the fringe of compromise. Most of us learned the art of compromise very early in our childhood. And then simply followed the path of least resistance throughout our lives. We hold our God given convictions until they get in the way; we keep a standard as long as it doesn’t infringe on something or someone. I am hearing God’s remnant has backed down in confrontation to avoid offending someone or seeming obtrusive, but the fact is our light shines in these moments even when we don’t speak. 

Whenever the world invents something new, the church invariable follows along, but those walking in the spirit know they are called to “Come Up Higher” and out of agreement with the world. Especially for the days ahead, we must be mindful of protecting our spirit from deception.

When we compromise it devastates two areas of our spiritual life. First, it destroys our worship and then our call or destiny. Failure to separate unto God destroys our service to Him. Our purging and purification that separates us from our flesh becomes stale bread and we begin to feel oppressed and depressed. 

Are you feeling weary? 

We are told in His Word that the key to leading a holy life called by God is to become a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners” Hebrews 7:26.

David wrote, I have sworn and I will confirm it, that I will keep your righteous ordinances. Depart from me, evidence that I may observe the commandments of my God. Psalm 119;105;115

You are…a royal priesthood… —1 Peter 2:9

Barnabas, the man of God in Acts 11:23, encouraged the early church to uncompromisingly cling to the Lord with a resolute truthful heart.

God’s whirlwind is mounting worldwide to raise a standard of truth by His Spirit establishing an uncompromising unity within in His Body of believers, who are His Ecclesia! 

But while he was thus speaking, there came a  cloud which spread over them; and they were  awe-struck when they had entered the cloud.  —Luke 9:34 (Weymouth New Testament)  

When His Whirlwind comes over your land, will you stand and look directly into it? I have no doubt! You will and the enemy is running scared now!

Are you living in a way that you can stand in the face of God to enter His Cloud?

Let me ask in another way…are you having trouble distinguishing between the voice of your spirit and the voice of your soul? 

Your spirit and soul are two different entities, but only God’s Word can separate them for you! As you begin renewing your mind with God’s Word, you are positioning yourself to follow God’s Voice within your heart—your spirit—is connected to God’s spirit with confidence in every situation over your life!

The gift of God is within the soul. You don’t have to do anything, buy anything or compromise yourself to receive from God. Just seek the Lord with all your heart! A great milestone is when we wake up and the very first thing we do is pray! When we wake up thinking about our wonderful Savior without any other thoughts … this is a divine move of God within your soul.

This divine content is done by God and God Himself. He does the planting with in our soul extending way down into the roots. Our roots are struck deep and nothing can overthrow this move of God! 

You see the goodness rooted and grounded in God does not matter who lives or who dies, it does not depend upon neither priest nor prince, circumstance nor ordinance! Nope but when God strikes the soul’s root from on high ….He comes to the soul to enrich it, to empower it, to illuminate it, and to glorify it, and more. It is a well that never runs dry. Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!

For God's purpose through Jesus is to deify the natures of men, and forever make them like just like Jesus. Not only in their outward appearance and habits of life, but in nature, substance, content, and in spirit, soul and body, just LIKE THE SON OF GOD. Hell's poisons cannot reach it, neither change it’s condition affect by God!

Fear not o land; be glad and rejoice, for the Lord  has done marvelous things! For he has given you the former rain faithfully, and He will cause the  rain to come down for you-the former rain and  the later rain in the first month.  The threshing floors shall be full of wheat, and  the vats shall overflow with new wine and oil. You  shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the  name of the Lord your God. And my people shall  never be put to shame.  —Joel 2:21, 23-24,26 (NKJV) 

In this passage God promises to cause overflowing abundance to flow into us. We can rejoice and be glad even when nothing seems to be going right in our lives. Even if we don’t see it, God is working all  things for our good (see Romans 8:28).  The rain the Scripture refers to is the anointing from God. Overflow is the characteristic of this anointing. When He strongly anoints us, we see this overflow.  One of the greatest restorations is our joy! Then we will have our strength to overcome every obstacle and be renewed. 

And all were astounded at the evidence  of God’s mighty power and His majesty  and magnificence…  —Luke 9:43 (AMPC)  

Beloved, be sure of this fact; the Holy Awe of God is returning to the Body of Christ. Scripture reminds us that we will not obtain the true wisdom of God until we truly embrace the holy fear of God. 

When the power of Almighty God is truly revealed, mere men are brought to a point of being astonished and awestruck and even raised from the dead [spiritually].  This funnel cloud  “whirlwind” is coming and I can’t wait! It will be exhilarating to see this magnificent event! The mobilized body of Christ will arise and move from the sideline to the frontlines and the fire and anointing of God will rest upon them.

The Bible declares that Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever.  The crowd was awestruck, amazed, and pleased  that God had authorized Jesus to work among them this way.  —Matthew 9:8 (The Message)  

They will become a mighty army taking back the land; establishing the King in His kingdom. Never not for one single moment doubting they are included or joined with Christ Jesus. 

My Dear Saints, you have been given an unction to function; an anointing to break strongholds. 

Immediately the whole multitude on beholding Him were astonished and awe-struck, and yet they ran forward and greeted Him.  —Mark 9:15 (Weymouth New Testament)  

And immediately all the crowd, when they saw Jesus [returning from the holy mount, His face  and person yet glistening], they were greatly  amazed and ran up to Him [and] greeted Him.  —Mark 9:15 (AMPC) 

All were astonished and awe-struck; and they  asked one another, “What sort of language is  this? For with authority and real power He gives  orders to the foul spirits and they come out.”  —Mark 9:15 

And they were all amazed and said to one another,  What kind of talk is this? For with authority and  power He commands the foul spirits and they  come out!  —Luke 4:36 (AMPC)  

Profound and reverent fear seized them all, and  they began to recognize God and praise and give thanks, saying, A great Prophet has appeared  among us! And God has visited His people [in  order to help and care for and provide for them]!  —Luke 7:16 (AMPC)  

But while he was thus speaking, there came  a cloud which spread over them; and they  were awe-struck when they had entered  into the cloud.  —Luke 9:34

But the natural, nonspiritual man does not accept or welcome or admit into his heart the gifts and teachings and revelations of the Spirit of God, for they are folly (meaningless nonsense) to him; and he is incapable of knowing them  [of progressively recognizing, understanding,  and becoming better acquainted with them] because they are spiritually discerned and  discerned and estimated and appreciated.  But the spiritual man tries all things [he  examines, investigates, inquiries into, questions,  and discerns all things], yet is himself to be put  on trial and judged by no one [he can read the  meaning of everything, but no one can properly  discern or appraise or get an insight into him].  For who has known or understood the mind  (the counsels and purposes) of the Lord so  as to guide and instruct Him and give Him  knowledge? But we have the mind of Christ (the  Messiah) and do hold the thoughts (feelings and  purposes) of His heart.  —1 Corinthians 2:11-16 (AMPC)  

We must seek the Spirit of Truth to release to us these three aspects of understanding the prophetic word. Revelation – Interpretation – Application!

Thank God that He still speaks today—and that He  passionately desires to have intimate communion and fellowship with each one of us. The Spirit of Truth will release to us revelation, interpretation and  application, as we seek His guidance. 

Revelation is the release of God-given information  by the Spirit of Truth. 

Interpretation is letting  the Holy Spirit release understanding of how  to assimilate and grasp what the revelation is  saying. 

Application is putting into practice what  God has taught you.  Ask for revelatory insights as you study God’s word; let the Holy Spirit guide you into the deep  and wonderful manna from the Father’s heart: 

Ask the Holy Spirit to be your “Guide and Teacher”.  Ask Holy Spirit to shine bright upon the lamp of  your spirit (see Psalm 18:28).  God’s wonderful word is truly a lamp unto our feet and a light to our pathway (see Psalm 119:105). 

If this is also your earnest desire, whisper this prayer of thanksgiving and gratitude out-loud into your atmosphere:  

Wonderful Lord O’mighty Yahweh, thank YOU for Your tender mercies and great goodness. Please open my spiritual eyes to see Your Son Jesus and Your Kingdom. Unplug my spiritual ears to hear all that You say and to give me the grace to obey swiftly with boldness like a lion. Release to me Your higher, divine wisdom to navigate these end times. I ask You, Father Yah to release breakthrough upon my spirit! Lord, I ask you to restore hope within my hearts! Lord, keep me firmly focused upon YOU and aligned with your son Jesus. I pray in the glorious Name of Jesus Amen!  


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