I’m a definitely a fan of lightening storms. I find them fascinating and it’s a good thing because this week we had a super storm that took out our internet! 

Lightning is one of the oldest observed natural phenomena on earth and in North Idaho these storms are often dry without any rain which can cause fear. But, I am reminded by the Spirit of God that in the wilderness Moses experienced lightening when He approached God on Mount Sinai, ….”So it happened on the third day, when it was morning, that there were thunder and flashes of lightning, and a thick cloud was on the mountain, and a very loud blast was sounded on a ram’s horn, so that all the people who were in the camp trembled.” Exodus 19

Stop for a second to ponder how storms come with claps of thunder and cloud-flashing just like we read in Exodus. Cloud flashing is lightening that occurs inside the cloud that travels from one part of a cloud to another and even into clear air! This rapid discharge of electricity builds within the cloud and is released between the cloud and the ground displaying its magnificent power. It’s a thrill to watch each powerful flash of light hit the ground like a flood lamp over the earth on a hot summer night.

So what’s even more amazing is that this storm followed a dream I was given a month or so prior. I have been waiting to share it because I knew it was about the miracles of God!

So let me share my dream.


I watched in awe as clouds of glory formed and fiery seeds of glory cracked into lightening to flood my room. Then embers of fire began falling from the Thorne of God like rain all over me. This raining fire was beautiful. It felt like sparkles on the 4th of July. I reached out with my hands and the raining embers were added to me. I immediately knew this fire was being released upon those extending their hearts to The Lord! As I began enjoying the raining fire, I woke up.

In the Spirit I knew this dream was significant and as the days followed I expected a storm or even a forest fire because the Lord always meets me in the natural, but to my surprise everything was calm for over a month. The Lord is never in a hurry!
The Spirit began sharing the importance of Hebrews 12:27-29. You see, we have run the race and everything that could or should have been shaken has been removed by the fire. You have run a fantastic race, hallelujah Saints! 

Now the Lord is about to pour out his oil in this season. Things are beginning to open that were previously shut. Until God’s oil is poured out, the spirit and the soul are independent of one another and the mind of man is in control. 

In this season the spiritual mind is going to be established to take absolute dominion. The enemy knows God is moving and has been working over-time, but praise the Lord, we have victory! Our new birth not only gives life to our spirit but new capacities of every kind. It is The Lord’s oil that is a vital faculty of divine knowledge, understanding and apprehension.

My Vision:
I was standing next to Jesus on a very large Mountain. Spiritually I knew this was Mt. Sinai and I could see the remnant climbing up the mountain. It was a technical climb but they were doing it. The mountain had their full attention but their eyes were closed. I saw they were carrying multiple heavy packs [burdens] on their backs, but they were strong climbers and they did not waver. They stayed the course and to my surprise as they approached each mountain switchbacks their energy seem to increase taking them quickly up the mountain. Right as they passed the last switchback their load on their back disappeared and they changed from climbing to riding camels.

I asked the Lord about this vision and I was surprised by His answer. He is opening eyes. Many will switch gears quickly, and will not lose step or momentum in their destiny. He is strategically placing you  where you can super naturally shine! Many of you have been hidden, but it’s time now to march with open eyes! 

God’s church has been spiritually blinded for centuries. In Daniel, the Spirit of the Lord said,I have even heard of thee, that the spirit of the gods is in thee, and that light and understanding and excellent wisdom is found in thee.” Daniel 5:14

Are you willing to take the Lord at His Word? 

"I am come a light into the world" (John 12:46); "I am the light of the world" (John 9:5): and that statement, as you know was made right there in that section of John’s Gospel where the Lord Jesus is dealing with blindness. "When I am in the world, I am the light of the world", and He illustrates that by dealing with the man born blind.   

Our spiritual sight is a miracle from heaven every time, and that means that the one who really sees spiritually has a miracle right at the foundation of his life. His whole spiritual life springs out of a miracle, and it is the miracle of having sight given to eyes which never have seen.

Let me repeat this… the very justification of the coming into this world of the Lord Jesus Christ is found in the Word of God; "I am come a light into the world" (John 12:46); "I am the light of the world" (John 9:5): and that statement, as you know was made right there in that section of John’s Gospel where the Lord Jesus is dealing with blindness. "When I am in the world, I am the light of the world", and He illustrates that by dealing with the man born blind.  

So spiritual sight is a miracle from heaven every time, and that means that the one who really sees spiritually has a miracle right at the foundation of his life by reading God’s word!

His whole spiritual life springs out of a miracle by God. To have sight given to our eyes for which we cannot see takes a MOVE by God. That is just where the spiritual life begins, just where the Christian life has its commencement: it is in seeing. He is dependent entirely upon the Spirit of God coming!

The Spirit of GOD is here waiting for you to pray to have your spiritual eyes opened!  

I use to sit with my eyes closed and wait. Then one day the LORD gave me a vision, but not before he gave me dreams! I spent lots of time researching my dreams and the more I learned, the more I was given and I have never turned back. 

I know for a fact, God wants this for you too! 

These are the tremendous activities of God. 

We have lots of examples in His Word but let’s look to the first chapter of Ezekiel's prophecies. Please take time to read it and note there is a combined feature of flashing lightning and burning fire in the wheel within the wheel. More on this later but study it! This is for you! 

If we look at the book of the Revelation, we see it throws so much light upon prophecies, we are told about the seven lamps of fire. It is the same principle. 

The flashing lightning and burning fire in the one, and the seven lamps of fire in the other: it is only another way of picturing the same thing. The flashing lightning, or the lamp, means making known, uncovering, revealing, disclosing, searching out and manifesting. The Cross does that, and it is doing it all the time. And the burning lamp implies the consuming of what is manifested, of what is made known. The Cross does that too.

But, on the other side, of course, it is the place of the new beginning, and from the very ashes there springs into bloom a new garden. "In the place where he was crucified there was a garden" (John 19:41). 

Do you know, it starts with being childlike and willing to dream again. In fact it is almost impossible to awaken a heart that cannot dream. We must get past the lies that want to surface every time we try to move forward. We must deal once and for all with the negativity that has plagued us our entire lives. Then we can start moving with our eyes open with God to find that we have creative instinct after all. 

I want to encourage you. Come into the presence of the Lord, rejoice in Him, sing to Him, lift up your hands before the Lord, march around your living room shouting and laughing before the Lord - this is worship! As we being to worship the Lord in truth, never forgetting He is worthy of all our praise, your spiritual eyes will be opened!  This is an exciting time to live! 




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