Today the power or glory of the Lord is building. Can you feel the force?

We read in Ezekiel about the glory of the Lord coming and filling the House. We know this House is the Lord Jesus Christ himself. 

We cannot find the one true God without surrendering to this power House of Jesus. For the Lord Jesus is the great Bethel of God on whom the angels ascend and descend in where God is found. 

When God speaks, the Divine authority, the final word, He is the House, and the glory of the Lord is in Him, the light of God is in Him. Revelation 4:11

Within His House, I heard The Spirit of the Lord whisper, “I AM building you! For I build power in your life to create friction and use this pressure to generate light that shines even in the darkness.”

Immediately my mind goes to the wheel described in Ezekiel. We are told he saw a wheel within a wheel causing opposition that is essential to maintaining a true balance between the forces.

This force is controlled by the “Holy Spirit” used by Yahweh God to accomplish His Divine purpose. 

There is a centrifugal force acting in opposition of each other and can be compared to electricity, a force adopted to keep the spiritual wheel moving.

God has a force and we equal a repelling force to keep the wheel in motion. Once His purpose is shown, we are given sufficient strength or power to endure the conflict caused by the force. 

GOD’S spirit can supply “power beyond what is normal” to those who serve him. 

This power enables faith or otherwise the ability to do things we could not normally do! We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all surpassing power is from God not from us. (2 Corn 4:7) 

Be aware of your dependence upon me says,” The Lord.

Abraham remained standing before the Lord, we too must lean into His Wind to evoke His power House found within the wheel to rebuke every thought or action of the dark force.

I heard, “My purposes are built liken to a bird stepping out of its nest to be caught by the flight of its wings, says the Lord. Seek me to be guided by my winds!” 

Today, we are reminded again that God’s winds are working for the Lord’s Beloved in this wild confusion chaotic universe. The lifting, pushing and driving work, from the smallest to the mightiest — all things working together in God’s hand for His purpose. For we serve a God of Creation who can do all things! Genesis 18:22

Well now, shall we ask, “What is the purpose or end of God? 

We can say that God's purpose is that there shall come a time when He has a vessel [people] in which and through His Glory shines forth to all creation within this universe. 

We see this intimated in the case of new Jerusalem, "Having the glory of God!" (Revelation 21:11). She comes down from God out of heaven, having the glory of God, her light like unto a stone most precious, as it were a jasper stone, clear as crystal.

That is the end which God has in view for His Beloved people [vessles]… to be of a spiritual sense, like the sun is to the universe. 

Yahweh is leading a people of spiritual intelligence to walk in the light, no need of sun, no need of moon, for there is no night! 

Can you hear what God’s saying? His Plan and will is to have a people full of light, "the light of the knowledge of the glory of God." 

Are you willing to be His people of light and walk in His full purpose and plan? 

Will you allow yourself to experience the wonderful Glory of the Lord? This is where flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder, and even a spiritual earthquake breaks down every wall or hinderance to allow His Light to shine through you?

Then, you are ready to experience an open heaven just like John. Revelation 11:9.  Now, watch as God begins to move toward that end in your life. Immediately a child of His is born from above; for that very birth, a new birth from above, is the scattering of the darkness and the breaking in of the light. Hallelujah

Beware by allowing the Almighty God to move, you will become a people who dwell in the house of Jesus where there is no night - no need for lamps or sun for The Lord God shall shine among you forever and ever.



Become the light of this world!


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