One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on. (Philippians 3:13-14 NIV)

As we climb the mountain, we see from below to a certain height, and that seems to be the top, and you make for it. And when you get to it, you see a little further on that there is another top. You think that must be the very top, and so you make for it, and when you get to it there is something still further. You never seem to get to the top! 

Well, The Lord desires us to go on. Sometimes going on means loneliness in going on where others cannot go with us. That means a price is bound up with obedience. It may mean a big break, a big change. It is the challenge of whether we are seated before the Lord. Our proof being there, is the Lord is able to bring us into His thoughts. 

There are times when The Lord hides things and says: "Now, that is your next step; obey that and fuller revelation will come after that." The things hidden from us are often the terrible things but when we look back we see how the Lord protected us by not giving us full sight of our journey. The Lord takes us up the Mountain in stages. We see that He brought us by stages, but we shall arrive at last. 

Once you have seen the light, gotten a taste of heaven and been part of the work of the Holy Spirit, personally experiencing the sheer goodness of God’s Word and it’s breaking power—Jesus’ crucification is revealed! 

It’s a beautiful place - a knowing you are truly worthy of the promises of God. It is a place that can only be described as the Garden of Eden. Often times to understand the full weight of His Message the Spirit of the Lord provides a picture.

My Dream

I was sitting on a bench next to Jesus staring straight ahead into a light so intense I couldn’t see. I waited for my eyes to focus in the magnificent light and found myself staring at garden full of flourishing flowers, veggies, and wonderful butterflies. The beautiful sunflowers were towering over the tall stalks of corn. The garden was buzzing with life and just beyond the garden I saw the sea. The waves were brushing up against the shore in a rhythmic song that matched my breathing, I looked to Jesus for an explanation and He said, “Well done my daughter.” And I woke up!

What an encouragement! My dream represents believers who truly seek to climb the mountain to find Jesus. As I sit in the garden, I am aware the body of Christ is no longer a parched dry field full of thistles and weeds that needs burning. Hallelujah

No, we are His Garden that soaks up the rain to produce a harvest full of abundance for our Beloved Gardner who says, “Well done!” Hebrews 6:4-8 MSG 

Being patient with oneself to know that the seeds of truth take time to sprout, time to grow, and time to come to full harvest.  Learning to contemplate and sift everything that we see and hear in our society by shunning evil practicing…. This is the planting of seeds of truth which can only take root in the garden to produce a harvest of change within the temple and body of Christ. This is to exalt God the Father in everything! 

Let us climb today in sincere Gratitude. 




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