Although the LORD was there. -Ezekiel 35:10  

As I study the winds, North, South, East and West the Spirit of The Lord revealed, “The Lord was there ”!

Such an amazing message regarding God’s winds to share Ezekiel 48:35We have discovered the biblical narrative of winds symbolizes the presence and power of God. Whenever Scripture speaks of the Four Winds working together, it’s speaking of the totality of God’s action across the whole Earth, touching every corner. His winds are His presence!

Let this revelation change your life. 

The truth is that God always deals with His people on the basis of the revelation that they have of Him. God can never operate outside the amount of light that we are walking in. When we increase our level of light we immediately increase the activity of God in our lives.

We are quickly approaching a season of God’s power touching the earth at every corner. His whirlwind began to blow a few months back and we have been told as it comes over our land to stand and face it! Hallelujah!

Wait in hopeful anticipation for the Winds to respond… Ezekiel 37:9.

We are given a great story to understand the impact of God’s wind when Ezekiel shares how The Princes of Edom saw the whole country of Israel as desolate and deserted. 

The word Edom in Hebrew means “red”.The Edom were enemies of Israel and expected an easy conquest; but there was one great difficulty in their way—quite unknown to them—“The LORD was there” and in His presence lay the special security of the chosen land.

The nation of Edom existed before the Israelites left Egypt, and the Lord commanded the Israelites not to attempt to take the land from the Edomites as they passed through, since He had given the land to Esau (Deuteronomy 2:1–5). The Hebrew Bible relates it to the name of its founder, Esau, the elder son of the Hebrew patriarch Isaac, because he was born "red all over". From this point on in the Bible, Edom is mentioned as Israel’s enemy, and the two nations fought frequently.

Ezekiel prophesied not only against the people of Edom but also against their mountains and land. Their home territory was Mount Seir, the place God gave to Esau. Mountains often symbolize strength and power and the nearness of God. However, the pride of these people would also be considered a mountain. It was so big it covered the land of their hearts and minds. They actually thought they could get away with their evil plan. 

Moses and the Israelites asked permission to cross through the land of Edom on their journey out of Egypt, but they were refused passage by the Edomite king (Numbers 20:14–21).

Edom’s desire for revenge turned against them. Edom received the punishment they had been so hasty to give out. 

God has a way of turning the way we treat others into a boomerang that comes back to strike us or bless us. We must be careful in our judgment and treatment of others (Matthew 7:1-2). 

However, these same enemies of God’s people exist today. We see them throughout society while they’re plotting and scheming and using governmental overreach …but we have the same powerful barrier by God to ruin their evil plans. Thank you Lord Yahweh! We are the remnant saints and God’s heritage. He is with us, in the midst of them, and will protect His own. 

Do you feel His comfort that is promised to us in our troubles and spiritual conflicts? 

Our belief can not be counterproductive here. Standing in faith that God is battling for us even when we can’t see Him working is huge!

Recently, I shared a dream regarding the Glory of God coming to those willing to face the coming winds. More than ever, God’s remnant is being opposed, yet perpetually preserved. As we stand in faith, God is restoring and healing hearts through His Glory Rain.

Without revelation there people run wild, but one who listens to instruction will be happy. Proverbs 29:18 

My Dream previously shared:

I watched in awe as clouds of glory formed and fiery seeds of glory cracked into lightening to flood my room. Then embers of fire began falling from the Thorne of God like rain all over me. This raining fire was beautiful. It felt like sparkles on the 4th of July. I reached out with my hands and the raining embers were added to me. I immediately knew this fire was being released upon those extending their hearts to The Lord! As I began enjoying the raining fire, I woke up.

As I write this message, I hear the Lord say, “My Glory is found in My Winds”.

As I sat waiting & listening for more revelation, I felt the enemies dart prick my neck, then a breeze began to pick up. As I rebuke these fiery darts, I deflected their power for “my shield of faith” cannot be extinguished as “the LORD is there.” His presence is with me!

The people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits. (Daniel 11:32)

Be encouraged Saints because our good works are the subjects of Satan’s attacks. There has never been a saint yet with a good virtue or quality from God, that was not the target of hellish dart —whether it be bright and sparkling hope, or warm and fervent love, or all-enduring patience, or enthusiasm flaming like coals of fire—whatever that virtue may be, the sneaky enemy of everything is always in the midst trying to kill, steal and destroy. 

The only reason why anything virtuous or lovely survives at all in us is this: “the LORD is there.” 

If the Lord is with us all through this life, and we can have confidence and need not fear death; because when we are getting close to death, we will find that “the LORD is there.” 

Where the coming winds are most violent, and the rain is most chilling, we will still feel His Presence and know that it is good—our feet will stand upon the Rock of our Savior.

When these Four Winds work together they represent the full scope of God’s interaction with humanity. They are a prophetic symbol of complete involvement and intentional movement of God’s Spirit over the entirety of Creation.

Beloved, from the first day of a Christian’s life to the very last, the only reason why he or she does not perish is because “the LORD is there.” 

So, if the God of everlasting love should ever happen to change, and leave His chosen people to perish, then his remnant would be destroyed; but we know this will never happen, because it is written, JEHOVAH SHAMMAH, “The LORD is there.” Let us each One step into His winds and be His Wind Riders!  



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