On that day I will raise up The tabernacle of David, which has fallen down, And repair its damages; I will raise up its ruins, And rebuild it as in the days of old; Amos 9:11

The great struggle is not a battle against atheism and unbelief, but rather the great apostasy spoken of in the Bible is found within a believer. Satan’s great triumph is the corruption of believers. The devil has hoodwinked the Christian world. All of society proclaims they are now Christian. The antichrist has already come as a historical power across the earth. 

I believe every city on earth needs to have a modern-day tabernacle of David to correctly give the honor and glory that is due to God. 

This tabernacle of God is not a physical temple in Jerusalem, but the spiritual temple within the believer themselves. 

Paul teaches us this truth in Ephesians 2:19-22. 

So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God's  household, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and  prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, in whom the  whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in  the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of  God in the Spirit.  Paul teaches that this man of sin. Ephesians 2:19-22 (NASB)

As I was studying the tabernacle, I was given an image of a key within my mind. You know the old fashion skeleton keys that we found in our grandparents houses? I remember turning them for fun because they stood in the keyhole of every door within this old house. (pun intended)

Let me share My Vision:

I saw a large hand holding a ring of keys. Right when I was about to ask the Lord spoke, “this ring of keys are made by the suffering of the righteous. All those who abide in Christ are given specific keys to open doors to reveal the celestial City of David.”  

The City of David in a spiritual sense is locked

If we look to our biblical examples of the City of David, it is a place of safety but also a place where many preferred to be buried. 

Take a moment to gnaw on this symbolism … to turn the key to open the City of David, one must be buried there. This burial for us today is spiritual, we must die to self to enter to live a spirit filled life. Ha

Do you see what God is about to do? 

He is about to rebuild the tabernacle of David, but he is using His 4 winds. 

At the center of the original tabernacle of David was the ark of the covenant. This holds the ten commandments. The love for the commands of God and a willingness to obey them is the first key. Allowing access to the courtyard or center of the modern-day tabernacle of David. 

I hate and detest falsehood, but I love your law. Psalm 119:163

There are several building factors:

Jesus was known as the ‘Son of David’. The new tabernacle of David is rebuilt on a revelation of Jesus the Son of God. 

The Ark dwelt in the holy of holies. The tabernacle of David will be rebuilt on a revelation of the holiness of God. It is also where the glory of God manifested

Do you agree that the tabernacle of David will be rebuilt on a revelation and manifestation of the glory of God?

Now, if you haven’t studied 2 Samuel 6, please do! It will be faith building because we are told how they brought the glory or the Ark back to Jerusalem! 

You and I carry the Ark within us, thanks to Jesus but in the Old Testament the Levital Priests carried the ark. When the ox stumbled and the Ark tilted, and was going to fall off the cart, a man named Uzzah, in his humanness thought he’d help God by keeping it from falling. This represents our fallen mindset. Uzzah brought a breach which angered God. The glory or Ark needed to be on the shoulders of the priests that God had specifically appointed. King David was moving it according to his human mind which allowed for death to take place.

In Chapter 6, we read a worshipping servant, named Obed-Edom takes the glory [the ark] into his tent and the others stood by to watch to see if it was going to kill him and his family. 

Well, we read he is blessed by it and so is his family in a tremendous way. They saw that he was blessed, because he was a worshipper, he was a servant of God. He didn’t get into presumption. He never stopped worshiping God. 

When you and are worship God, we have the mind of Christ and we will never go into presumption. 

King David saw that Obed-Edom was blessed and he decided to bring the glory back to Jerusalem. This time David was cautious and did nothing before checking the Scriptures to see what the Lord’s will was on this matter. He waited three months in preparation before bringing the glory back in again. He brought it in with great sacrifice, and he brought it in, in the correct way. 

Right now is a time of preparation. Early this year, I was told we had until December to prepare. Our calendar is three months away now from December. We are to be just like David to study the scriptures before the full whirlwind takes place. 

So are you willing to be like David where the glory is brought back to Jerusalem. Are you willing to prepare your spiritual tabernacle for God’s Glory to come?

The Golden Ark was set in a tent. They rolled the flaps up so everyone could see it. Before it had been enclosed in the holiest of holiest where only one man could see it at different seasons. But now the whole glory was revealed so the whole world could see the Glory of God. Anyone could pass by that tent, that tabernacle of David, and see God’s glory. Note, nothing is hidden!

As the winds of Heaven begin to blow, remember each wind has a significant purpose, lean into them and learn from them. Let God’s spirit reveal the keys you need to enter the Celestial [heavenly] City of David.

It goes all the way back to the original blessing that God gave mankind back in the Garden of Eden, a blessing to fill the earth and subdue it. It has always been about expanding mankind’s sphere of influence. 

I believe God wants His Glory to be seen in you, right now in this Era! Over and over the Lord has shown me that the religion of man has imprisoned the hearts and souls of God Saints. 

We are God’s Ecclesia, we are the body of Christ, Jesus is the head and we need start acting like his body!

Another revelation to share in part 2 of this message is little horn spoken of in Daniel is a metaphor for religion. Without the Key of David it’s difficult to unlock the doors to truth and uproot the little horn.

This is the first locked door. 

If you feel a witness right now, repent and ask the Lord to reveal the strongholds [lies] within your heart! The things you believe or were taught need to be flushed out and removed so that they do not become 10 horns or additional things to overcome.

Our misconceptions and preconceptions are the horns that keep us chained or stuck! It’s time to get off that merry-go-round! 

Recently a friend of mine began kneeling before the Lord in prayer. The transforming of one’s heart begins with our posture. What is your posture before the Lord?  Are you willingly surrendering yourself to God?

God uses our circumstances to show us where we have gotten off track!  If you are experiencing the same circumstances over and over, you must seek the Father for truth! Somewhere you got off track. Serving self is almost the first place to look. 

Lets His winds blow over you to expand your heart and mind.  Truth is simple but so completely hidden from a deceived heart seeking the desires of one’s heart.

The key of David is about opening doors to gain territory for the kingdom of God. 

For light to displace darkness. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Matthew 28:18-20

This is exciting… God is going to break you out of that box!  He’s going to get you out so your light can shine! He’s going to begin to reveal His Kingdom by using a mighty North Wind to reveal the city that David built with supporting terraces inward. David become more and more powerful and the Lord God said “Hosts was with him”.

David captured the fortress of Zion—which become know as the City of David, and much later known as the City of Jerusalem. 

In this account, David had been made king of the entire nation of Israel, and he led his army to take the city of Jerusalem from the Jebusites (verse 6). Upon winning this city, David “took up residence in the fortress and called it the City of David. He built up the area around it, from the terraces inward. And he became more and more powerful, because the Lord God Almighty was with him” (2 Samuel 5:9–10)

Do you feel the power in these verses? 

God was there and with Him to overcome His enemies! The City of David was considered neutral territory because it stood on the border of the territory of the tribes of Benjamin and Judah, and it was still occupied by the Jebusites, a Canaanite tribe who had never been expelled from the land (Judges 1:21). 

These tribes today are our spiritually battle ground but when we begin to battle within the City of David, we have safety and we are given strategic advantage. Like David make Jerusalem your capital. 

To enter the City of David, we must become lovers of truth, this is the key to the new Jerusalem.When we truly approach seeking knowledge of God from a place of childlike humility [on our knees] we are given unifying revelation [knowledge] of the one who is true, and of His Kingdom. Thank you Jesus!

To pursue the truth takes diligence and complete dedication. We know Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, it’s time to live it! For all mankind!

They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 2 Thessalonians 2:10b 

Those that can use the key of David, are those who can see the truth of the world system, and the truth of the spiritual realm that overlaps the physical realm. Understanding the truth, puts us in a position of Christ given authority. Your enemies will not have a chance!

We shall let God’s winds blow over our minds, hearts and souls to reveal the keys to enter the fortress of David. A place built just for David to reside where God had establish him and exalted Him for the sake of His people.




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