Imagine coming into a season in your walk with the Lord where Sin is no longer an issue. This is the awesome power of living under the Order of Melchizedek, and a place where we quicken our trek
towards becoming Christ-like! 

The Order of Melchizedek Priesthood is the sum total of what we become in God by our divine encounters, and the over all finished work that is done by God’s hand.

But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? Hebrews 1:13 

The above passage of Scripture is a reference to Psalm 110:14, where David is given a supernatural and staggering revelation concerning Christ’s Melchizedek Priesthood. David is shown that Christ is destined for complete dominion over His enemies through a functional body of priests; who operate after the Order of Melchizedek. Since Christ is the head of the Church, the feet in the proverbial prophecy refers to the work and ministry of the priesthood of New Testament believers. There is so much to learn about the nature and inner workings of the Melchizedek Priesthood; and how Christians can operate under this powerful and eternal royal priesthood, but for now we will seek a face to face encounter with Christ.

We are in the season of Yom Kipper. My very first Yom Kipper the Lord asked me to write every sin I could recall down on piece of paper and then repent of each one. Then He asked me to sit at His table and take communion with Him. Afterwards, I was led by The Spirit to burn that piece of paper listing everything the Spirit brought to my mind. My sin went all the way back to a second grade memory. Ha! I was charging my classmates to drink water from the school water fountain. Even back then, I was an entrepreneur! Burning that paper full of my gunny sack of sins -poof, all burned to dust! It’s was a prophetic act in which I would not carry my history of sin any longer. You see rehashing or carrying our sin diminishes Christ in our life! So stop doing this and the devil will flee. We must take away his power and your willingness to condemn yourself is his open door to your soul.

This is a powerful time of year… why do you think the majority of Christian churches do not participate? Pray about it and see what the Spirit of the Lord shares with you. This is to go deeper into the things The Spirit of the Lord is leading you too! 

When you hear a word from God, make sure it’s biblical and God-glorifying. Seek confirmation. Then agree with the prophet Isaiah and say, “Here am I! Send me” (Isaiah 6:8). If you don’t, you will miss out on untold blessings in your life. The Melchizedek Priesthood does not include condemnation from the enemy. Hallelujah!

This is the season of seeking the Lord in everything.

I was listening to a well known preacher and right there in the midst of his sermon, I felt a warning of deception. (The link takes you to a post regarding my wonderbread dream.) 

I will feed you with my spiritual bread. You will feast and be satisfied with me feeding on my revelation-truth like honey dripping from the cliffs of the high place. Psalm 81:16 

In order for our spirit to shine for God, it must be fed fully by HIM, not by a well intentioned preacher, but by God himself.

And thou shalt command the children of Israel, that they bring thee pure oil olive beaten for the light, to cause the lamp to burn always. Exodus 27:30

God’s spiritual manna is truly wonderful and delicious that feeds our souls and transforms our minds.  Remember this: God always speaks through his Word. And he always gives glory to himself. 

Satan will always subvert the Bible. And Satan will never glorify Christ. For example, just recall when Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness. Satan repeatedly quoted God’s Word to Jesus but purposefully took it out of context in order to thwart God’s intentions. 

Jesus knew his Father’s words far better than to trust the serpent’s slippery tongue. Once you’ve determined that a message from God is both biblical and glory-giving, seek confirmation. Pray about it yourself and see if a fellow believer confirms the message. 

Our lamps need to burn nonstop in this world as the days grow darker with all the strange things happening all around us. It doesn’t matter if you’re seven or seventy. You and I can never get revelation other than in connection with some circumstances. 

When the Lord gave the manna in the wilderness (type of Christ as the bread from heaven) He stipulated strongly that not one fragment more than the day's need was to be gathered, and that if they went beyond the measure of immediate need, disease and death would break out and overtake them. 

The principle or law of the manna, is that God keeps revelation of Himself in Christ bound up with practical situations which become a necessity for us.God will put us into situations where only the revelation of Christ can help us and save us!

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Revelation 3:20

His Wonderbread is not doctrines and duties but freedom from the selfish, self serving world we are born and indoctrinated into! Without God’s nourishment we are left wanting, deceived and in some cases without toilet paper. By the way, are you stocking up? I heard the Spirit of the Lord say when I was shopping, “get extra for a time is coming when the enemy will delay your supplies”.  And when I returned home that afternoon my husband said, Hon, did you buy extra toilet paper? This was Confirmation! Thank you Jesus! 

We know this … because the reckoning winds are here. This is the time when His wonderbread manna melts away all the impurities within our soul while at the same time our spirit is strengthened to hear from God by highlighting scriptures as well as circumstances to reveal our undernourishment.  

Every day, we hear of another storm. Let us be praying for all those experiencing storms right now. This season will require a strong position of faith. His Winds will blow and by faith we stand to face them no matter their direction North, South, East or Westerly. Winds. I have posted about each… 

The root of strong faith is a firm conviction that God is faithful, God is good, and God is loveWithout these 3 convictions, our faith is hollow and unsustainable and as the winds of God blow everything we stand for is stirred-up and we might be standing on unstable ground that God will reckon.

If we look to Daniel, his faith was stirred when he stood alone with Christ.

Therefore I was left alone, and saw this great vision, and there remained no strength in me: for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I retained no strength [Dan. 10:8]. 

Daniel was left alone. That is the marvelous, wonderful experience of an encounter with God. Just one shared encounter or experience can be life changing. Let’s see ….

Abraham left Ur, and finally his kindred, and he was alone with God. 

Moses was sent to the backside of the desert of Midian, and at the burning bush he was alone with God. 

Elijah was disciplined by the Brook Cherith, and God was with him. 

Jeremiah walked a lonely path, but God was with him. 

John the Baptist was in the desert alone, but God was there. 

Paul had two years of solitary confinement on that same desert—that was God’s opportunity to train him. 

The apostle John was exiled on the lonely isle of Patmos, but God was with him. 

There are so many people who want to get together to have a great prayer meeting or other great gatherings. Friend, being alone is where God will meet with you. Take the Word of God and go off alone with Him. It will do you a lot of good.

It’s not enough to worship the Lord we must seek him in the depths of our weakness found deep within our soul! 

Every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives” (Romans 8:28).

God delights in causing us to exercise our faith. In this season he is asking many to step-out into the Marketplace. 

So many of us have been hidden for several years feasting on His wonder-bread and now it’s time to exercise our faith.

God does this so He can bless us individually. Our initial reaction is to retreat from exercising our faith, but in our wilderness we learned to welcome it. Our practice in the wilderness made our responses eventually become, “thank you heavenly father for placing this cup of trial in my hand so I may later have something pleasant to eat.” 

Jesus said, “Eat of My Bread and drink of My Wine.” We have to learn to leave ourselves in the hands of our heavenly father. 

The gift if the spirit is my wine — Matthew 9:16-17

His “wine” is a prophetic theme of the Holy Spirit. I know God is speaking to many of us about it right now as the world shakes all around us. Every news cast and social media post is exploding with shaking events and unpleasant news, lies and scaremongering.

And there came a cloud overshadowing them: and there came a voice out of the cloud, This is my beloved Son: hear ye him. 8 And suddenly looking round about, they saw no one any more, save Jesus only with themselves. Mark 9:7-8 ASV  

Sipping new wine is taking a simple insight that you received from the Holy Spirit and pause to take time with the Holy Spirit. We don’t want to miss anything. 

You may simply need to wait, but as you wait, listen with your heart to the prophetic insight He is giving you.  Luke 5:36-37

One word, one impression from the Lord is powerful. 

Ask questions and seek Him for the answers. Allow time to “develop” a picture or thought that He gives to you. It may become clearer like adjusting the focus on your camera if you wait for the full impression. We must train ourselves to wait… because The Spirit of God is faithful and kind. He knows us better than we known ourselves.

It’s okay too if you don’t receive more. Many times after waiting, God may be waiting to share.

The word of the Lord came to me: “What do you see, Jeremiah?” 

“I see the branch of an almond tree,” I replied. 

The Lord said to me, “You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.”’ (Jer 1:11-12)

Have you noticed that many powerful prophecies in the Bible are within the context of conversation with God, or listening and responding to a flow of instruction. Check out the Book of Jeremiah, where we read about his simple visions he received by God and he explains and expands upon them.

It is the joy and His heart to do good for all his children.When we read the Scriptures daily, we are given an opportunity to see God’s heart and expand ours.

Every encounter with God is physical nourishment as well as faith building. His mysteries are designed to mess with our heads, feeds us and satisfies our spirit. 

Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit.” —ZECHARIAH 4:6

It should be a daily part of life. We demand answers but God simply wants to feed us out of a realm of not knowing, a realm where there are no answers, only satisfaction.

Words by 🦋Angela 

🕊️R E F L E C T I O N🌷

Let me share an encounter I had before understanding the real meaning of sipping God’s wine.

If you have been following along for very long, you know the Lord speaks to all of us, but we must have our spiritual hearing tuned to receive His Nourishment- His Way! 

My Vision

During a time when I was deep in my wilderness, and still learning how prayer and waiting on the Father go hand in hand, The Father shared a picture within my mind [a vision]. I saw sprouting green strong blossoms with little, tiny budding fruit. These sprouts grew quickly right before my eyes into a beautiful vibrant flourishing vine. Within each vine, I was surprised by a little tiny almond growing like a fast-forwarded film out of the plant vine as it grew to peak out the top of the budding leaf.   

Just as the picture of the budding fruit dissolved, the word BARACK formed in the front of my mind in Big floating black letters.  

As the word BARACK dissolves, I heard the Spirit of The Lord say,“Barack is rising and has a partner, JESUSThe path you’re about to enter is corroded with all kinds of metal removing these metals gives My Citizen a chance to overcome”. 

That was the end of my vision. Keep reading if you are thirsty for more and would like the interpretation.

My Interpretation 

The almond blossom reminded me of when Moses in the wilderness entered the tent and saw Aaron’s staff not only sprout, but budded, blossomed, and produced almonds. 

The LORD said to Moses,“Put Aaron’s staff back in front of the Testimony, to be kept as a sign for the rebellious, so that you may put an end to their grumbling against Me, lest they die.” So Moses did as the LORD had commanded him. Then the Israelites declared to Moses, “Look, we are perishing! We are lost; we are all lost! Anyone who comes near the tabernacle of the LORD will die. Are we all going to perish?” Numbers 17:10-11 BSB 

In this verse, the staff represents divine power of God and the almonds are known as a Divine call to the Lord’s work but also the life and fruitfulness given to His chosen servants.  

At the time, I did not have the full understanding but was led to the Book of Joshua. Initially, Joshua was the man servant to Moses in the wilderness. Moses trained Joshua who becomes a courageous leader, warrior and faithful follower of Yah. 

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Remember, The Father said that the path was corroded with all kinds of metals. In Hebrew, metal is referred to as iron, gold or aluminum. Stemming from the root of pouring or melting since most forms of metal are formed by melting different types together.

Take away the dross from the silver, And there comes out [the pure metal for] a vessel for the silversmith [to shape]. proverbs 25:5

In the wilderness Moses instructs the Israelites to bring a sacred offering to deliver them from bondage. Exodus 25:2-3 

Their offering must be only the finest things: gold, silver, bronze metals.

Then the LORD said to Moses, 2 “Tell the Israelites to bring Me an offering. You are to receive My offering from every man whose heart compels him. 3 This is the offering you are to accept from them: gold, silver, and bronze; blue, purple, and scarlet yarn; fine linen and goat hair; ram skins dyed red and fine leather; acacia wood; olive oil for the light; spices for the anointing oil and for the fragrant incense; and onyx stones and gemstones to be mounted on the ephod and breastpiece. And they are to make a sanctuary for Me, so that I may dwell among them. You must make the tabernacle and design all its furnishings according to the pattern I show you. Exodus 25:1-9 BSB

The people were to furnish Moses with the materials, by their own free will. The people were giving up their worldly wealth to honor God, but also the metals were spiritual bondage within their souls! Whatever they gave, they must give it cheerfully, not grudgingly, for God loves a cheerful giver.

What an awesome Father in Heaven, when we take what we are hearing in the spirit and search His Word to back it up - we are given to a full revelation. His mysterious are true treasures that open for each of us. 

Jesus answered, “Knowledge about the mysteries of God’s kingdom has been given ⌞directly⌟ to you. But it is given to others in stories. When they look, they don’t see, and when they hear, they don’t understand. Luke 8:10

The metals or corrosion within my broken soul was about to be melted and partnered with Barak!

The Lord said, Removing these metal gives my citizens a chance to overcome.”

Listen closely, you don't want to miss anything here,
Brothers and Sisters, you are about to have a melting metals [lies] party within your heart & soul because BARAK Represents, God's Holy Spirit! 

I believe you are ready for your new wine!

The meaning of Barak -- lightning flash; lightning; a thunderbolt; a flaming
sword; a glittering sword; a gem. 
sword; a glittering sword; a gem.  Judg. 4:6-16

So the metals the Father is speaking about are found within our hearts and need refinement to become His Tabernacle by God’s design. 

Barak being the lightning thunderbolt or flaming sword [word of God] will melt these metals or foundations within the soul so The Spirit of God could fill these vacant places that use to contain my weak foundation. 

What a wonderment of revelation!  

God is amazing, I love His Mysteries - I think we should all become spies like Joshua in Wilderness of Sin to investigate and question every word we are given by searching His Word.

This is so powerful, notice there is no doom or gloom here! It's all about growing more intimate and with The Father!

Next, I was led to look up “almond blossoms”.

Also, Do you know that almonds bloom before olives, figs, or grapes. I believe this part of the vision was a message to indicate the time in which refinement was to take place. 

Almonds bloom first and something was about to happen @ BLOOM a woman's conference I was planning to attend in April that spring.

You can’t make this up!  Isn’t this fun! 

The first flower of the year to blossom is the almond. It’s also considered the Awakener; hence it depicts watchfulness; it also represents sweetness, charm, delicacy. 

If you a witness to your spirit while reading this, God is using me to speak to you right now~!  I pray in the Name of Jesus; you are about to get a lightning BOLT of healing to melt the lies you have been carrying deep within your soul! Thank you, Jesus, for deliverance and freedom, Amen!  Hold up your hands right now and say I receive this!

I love this powerful new wine! Let us all drink together with our Lord Jesus.

As you mature and grow in intimacy with the Lord, there comes a time that even when you leave your designated secret place, your heart is still there no matter where you go. You may be running errands, picking up kids, or getting ready for a business meeting, but you are still communing with God as you go about your busy day. Even though your mind may not be focused on God, your heart and spirit are constantly communing with Him. 


When you experience involuntary prayers springing up from within without even thinking about them, then you have reached a place of constant communion. This is HIS WINE, Hallelujah!

To represent His nature well, we are to walk in salvation in every area, understanding that it extends far beyond the altar. Holistic salvation brings a healed heart, a renewed mind, a healthy bodies, a holy life, a prosperous existence, a good name, a realized purpose, a changed world, and a manifested kingdom. Like Rahab, when salvation really comes to our house, we, and all to whom we are connected experience total transformation. 

It is not God’s will that we suffer needlessly throughout this life to prove allegiance or worthiness for eternal life, but that we demonstrate salvation and wholeness in every area as a mirror of eternity.

As you mature, remember that faith is built through faithfulness, cultivated through fellowship with God, and verified through testing. God has a way of turning your test into a commencement

“My desire is that you may come to know, through personal experience, the love of Christ which far surpasses mere human knowledge without experience. I pray that you may be filled up throughout your whole being with all the fullness of God, so that you may have the richest experience of God’s presence in your life, completely filled and flooded with God Himself.” (Ephesians 3:19, author’s paraphrase)

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” (Psalm 91:1) 

What does it mean to dwell in the secret place? To dwell or linger is to stay indefinitely: to abide. Abiding refers not only to a physical place, but also to an attitude or a condition of the heart. Abide means “to stay, live, dwell, and take up permanent residence.” with our Lord. God is pouring out new wine and only those who are ready to change their minds will be filled with it. A great refreshing! A great revival is coming.


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