Over the last year, I have been led by the Spirit to read numerous Chapters in the Book of Ezekiel. Each chapter serving yet another reminder of the gravity of turning away from God. I felt The Lord emphasizing the necessity of righteous living, and to be careful where I place my faith. The enemy is tricky and it’s easy to get distracted and take our eyes off the Lord. For example when we make worldly things or events more important than God Himself.
Today, this message feels urgent.
The enemy is working over-time using people all around us to distract us and keep us unprepared. Are you experiencing an up-tick in spiritual warfare, we need to pray more!
I shared a dream last week that I will call, WakeUp Canada. As I prayed over this dream, the Lord revealed that Canada was a type of “Ichabod” in my dream.
If Canada symbolizes Ichabod than my husband and I represent the church.
We need to pay attention to our dreams. Take time to write them down before you forget them. I have been given so much healing and revelation through my dreams.
Today, God is warning us. He is saying “the glory has departed” from His Believers. God judges his church first. Prayers of Intercession are PARAMOUNT and our prayers look like a “Black Op Soldier” to the enemy!
Please pray about this….
You have heard the saying, “calm before the storm?” It’s chilling!
For those who missed my dream, I have included it because even though it’s short, it’s a warning!
My Dream
I was climbing into this humongous bed fully clothed with my husband where we met two other people already sitting in bed. Both were very friendly and welcomed us. I immediately felt their invitation as safe and quickly got-in under all the heavy covers. I heard the Lord say, “partner with Canada”. I felt a question arise in my spirit and then I was immediately given a picture of a black-ops soldier and the Lord said, “Super Soldier”. I woke up startled!
We are shown two types of believers; the comfortable snuggle under-the-covers sleepy believer and the mighty soldier believer. If you are praying for nations, leaders, families and cities, then you are aware we are living in a world completely controlled and the Church is oblivious to the reality! God is opening an opportunity for you to become His Black Op Soldier!
To be truthful, without God’s Black Ops covert influence we are left nearly comatose spiritually, it’s a type of spiritual slumber like the bed in my dream. His Black Ops believers are speciality trained, tuned into his spirit and equipped for covert, high risk operations.
How cool is our GOD?
He’s offering those dedicated believers specialized equipment, specific intel, and support to carry out specific missions.
But first, let’s take a look at the back story of Eli and his household and why Canada is a type of Ichabod.
For those of us unfamiliar with the story of Ichabod, it takes place in 1 Samual 4.
Samuel was dedicated to the temple service at a young age. This means he lived with Eli, the high priest, and his family. However, Eli had some wicked sons. One of them marries a woman who gives birth to a son she names Ichabod.
In the story of Ichabod, there is defeat and abandonment but we are reminded that God often works in mysterious ways.
For though Ichabod’s birth marked the end of one era, it also heralded the beginning of another and God’s providence was still working to prepare the way for renewal and redemption beginning with Samuel.
If we look out into the world today, it appears the enemy is succeeding because God has began to unleash his anger starting in Hollywood, California.
I believe we are told later in Ezekiel, Chapter 22 that God is looking for those who will partner with Him.
“I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one. 31 So I will pour out my wrath on them and consume them with my fiery anger, bringing down on cue their own heads all they have done, declares the Sovereign Lord.” Ezekiel 22:30-31
You and I are God’s Ecclesia [body] but let us be reminded that we too must be washed clean to walk faithfully with Him.
To make our atonement, review Leviticus 7 to secure the city of your soul! Taking communion with The Father while respecting His commands & seeking His guidance is wise and needed in this hour. The enemy is tricky so we shall not be deceived!
Finally, our Super Soldier assignment from my dream is for this hour and instructions can be found in Nehemiah 7.
I heard the Lord say within my spirit, “Read this carefully as duties are being assigned”.
It’s time for every believer to become an intercessory SOLDIER also known as a gatekeeper and watchman. It’s a duty that requires leadership, vigilance and faith. You must know we have entered the hour of “ the glory has departed”.
God warns the people throughout His Word that they will face the consequences of their actions. God's wrath will spare no one; the punishment will be as per their conduct, and their abominable idols will be laid waste.
This assignments will change your paradigm and your new intel coupled with the Holy Spirit could be the final act and reward to sealing the 144K Saints!
For those who are new, do-not doubt yourself — you are worthy, you are being called now come forth. I have added a “ helpful guide” with scriptural explanation for a gatekeeper and watchman soldier, click here.
May the Lord Bless you and keep you as we become his Super Soldiers and battle forth, For They will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads. Revelation 22:4
An interesting read re: Canada and it’s apostasy. I felt The Holy Spirit nudge to I share it… 🕊️ and the
Scripture re: Hour of Doom
Ezekiel Chapter 7
7 The word of the Lord came to me: 2 “Son of man, this is what the Sovereign Lord says to the land of Israel:
“‘The end! The end has come upon the four corners of the land!
The end is now upon you, and I will unleash my anger against you.
I will judge you according to your conduct and repay you for all your detestable practices.
I will not look on you with pity; I will not spare you.
I will surely repay you for your conduct and for the detestable practices among you.
“‘Then you will know that I am the Lord.’
5 “This is what the Sovereign Lord says:
“‘Disaster! Unheard-of[a] disaster!
See, it comes!
The end has come!
The end has come!
It has roused itself against you.
See, it comes!
Doom has come upon you,
upon you who dwell in the land.
The time has come! The day is near!
There is panic, not joy, on the mountains.
I am about to pour out my wrath on you
and spend my anger against you.
I will judge you according to your conduct
and repay you for all your detestable practices.
I will not look on you with pity;
I will not spare you.
I will repay you for your conduct
and for the detestable practices among you.
“‘Then you will know that it is I the Lord who strikes you.
“‘See, the day!
See, it comes!
Doom has burst forth,
the rod has budded,
arrogance has blossomed!
Violence has arisen,[b]
a rod to punish the wicked.
None of the people will be left,
none of that crowd—
none of their wealth,
nothing of value.
The time has come!
The day has arrived!
Let not the buyer rejoice
nor the seller grieve,
for my wrath is on the whole crowd.
The seller will not recover
the property that was sold—
as long as both buyer and seller live.
For the vision concerning the whole crowd
will not be reversed.
Because of their sins, not one of them
will preserve their life.
“‘They have blown the trumpet,
they have made all things ready,
but no one will go into battle,
for my wrath is on the whole crowd.
Outside is the sword;
inside are plague and famine.
Those in the country
will die by the sword;
those in the city
will be devoured by famine and plague.
The fugitives who escape
will flee to the mountains.
Like doves of the valleys,
they will all moan,
each for their own sins.
Every hand will go limp;
every leg will be wet with urine.
They will put on sackcloth
and be clothed with terror.
Every face will be covered with shame,
and every head will be shaved.
“‘They will throw their silver into the streets,
and their gold will be treated as a thing unclean.
Their silver and gold
will not be able to deliver them
in the day of the Lord’s wrath.
It will not satisfy their hunger
or fill their stomachs,
for it has caused them to stumble into sin.
They took pride in their beautiful jewelry
and used it to make their detestable idols.
They made it into vile images;
therefore I will make it a thing unclean for them.
I will give their wealth as plunder to foreigners
and as loot to the wicked of the earth,
who will defile it.
I will turn my face away from the people,
and robbers will desecrate the place I treasure.
They will enter it
and will defile it.
“‘Prepare chains!
For the land is full of bloodshed,
and the city is full of violence.
I will bring the most wicked of nations
to take possession of their houses.
I will put an end to the pride of the mighty,
and their sanctuaries will be desecrated.
When terror comes,
they will seek peace in vain.
Calamity upon calamity will come,
and rumor upon rumor.
They will go searching for a vision from the prophet,
priestly instruction in the law will cease,
the counsel of the elders will come to an end.
The king will mourn,
the prince will be clothed with despair,
and the hands of the people of the land will tremble.
I will deal with them according to their conduct,
and by their own standards I will judge them.
“‘Then they will know that I am the Lord.’”
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