"It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The word that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life" (John 6:63).

To dwell in the Spirit each must bear witness to the Lord. True worship stems from obedience and holy living; otherwise, it is strange fire. Thankfully, Jesus has prepared the way….

"Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" (1 Cor 3:16).

He has shown us His Fire & fields of fruits through a dream… Fruitfulness is a natural result when we are one. True fruitfulness in our lives is largely determined by the relationship we have with Jesus. 

Those who are fruitful are those who have an intimate and enduring relationship with Him. It is through such covenant relationship that His divine supply of grace, wisdom, love and power flows through us. Fruitfulness results when He indwells and overflows through our lives. Fruitfulness is a natural result when we are one with Him. Those who are far from God and those who constantly vacillate in their relationship with the Lord will not accomplish much, neither will they be fruitful.

Those waiting by the white picket fence in my dream, you have readied yourself, renounce your fear and step into His Flame. It’s time now to learn to ascend to personally meet Jesus your King! 

I was given a message tonight as I was worshiped the Lord, it’s an exciting time to live!! 

“Go Forth, says the Lord”

I have chosen you and the time has come. 

We are about to embark on a journey together that will require you to be fed day and night on your knees through our love for one another, says the Lord. 

This is my anointing, it is a genuine tangible force and energy that comes forth that can only be felt and experienced by individuals in a direct relationship with me.

My Divine enablement and energy is a strong current that overpowers into full prosperity.

As you take time to bask in My Glory, your willful nature becomes saturated and I begin to permeate every locked area and hidden mystery for your life and surroundings.  

I am building an Army and My Generals are in place. 

It’s time now to consider how you can respond to My Son Jesus in your life, will you join His army? Whether through service as watchman, gatekeeper or deeping your relationship to become an intercessory knight!  Each one will be touched by My presence in a glorious manner.

My power can be alluring, but only those I can entrust will be empowered:

1. Who are blameless. 

2. Who are upright. 

3. Who fear God. 

4 . Who shun evil. 

5. Who will draw deep into His presence. 

6. Whose heart is governed by love and compassion. 

7. Who will give Him all the glory.

8. Who will walk humbly before Him. 

9. Who will obey and believe. 

10. Who are broken.  

Come now, it’s time!

On a personal level, I was given a vision of flashing red lights and a knowing that sickness is here. Schools will close for a short time and mask mandates will be instituted. I heard, “it’s deadly”. 

Please pray and take everything to The Lord to become equipped. I recommend having ivermectin on hand - even if only the horse paste because it works.

"But my horn You have exalted like a wild ox; I have been anointed with fresh oil" (Ps 92:10). 

Blessing over us all,





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