RULES OF WAR - 1st Filling

The Sons of Light and the forces of Darkness shall fight together to show the strength of God with the roar of a great multitude and the shout of gods and men; a day of disaster. It is a time of distress for all the people who are redeemed by God. —The War Scroll, c. 100 BCE

Over the weekend, I was seeking The Lord and He kept giving me a picture of His Menorah. When I think of the menorah, Hanukkah the Jewish celebration comes to mind. It’s a beautiful expression of God. 

What if the menorah isn’t an expression but a weapon for all believers to win the battle against the forces of darkness?


In my time of worship, I heard in The Spirit, “Come Now ”. I step in and follow Yahshua (Jesus) inside the tent. 

Tent is a symbolic reference of The Tabernacle of God.  A place just outside the curtain that shields the Ark of the Covenant. God told Moses to build a tent on Mt Sinai (Exodus 25:9). 

I am given a knowing that Jesus should be addressed as Yahshua in this place of worship. Together, we light all seven branches of the lamp stand sitting on the table with the shewbread. Exodus 26-27 The temple menorah is made of pure gold and is lit during the daytime by God’s consecrated oil. Exodus 27:20

I hear, “ Quickly now, fill your lamp!” 

The word “quick” is derived from the Hebrew word "mahir" and is used to describe someone who is quick or skillful actions and/or abilities. Quick conveys a sense of swiftness and proficiency, often in the context of wisdom and skill in a particular area.

I knew before looking up the Hebrew word for quick, that The Lord was referring to war-time skillful actions and abilities.

Then [the Sons of Rig]hteousness shall shine to all ends of the world continuing to shine forth until end of the appointed seasons of darkness. Then at the time appointed by God, His great excellence shall shine for all the times.

As I stood with Him in His Tabernacle [tent], I felt his outstretched loving arms as he shared the true meaning of His Menorah and the power of His Oil!

~ Matthew 3:11-12 ~
“He (Yahshua) will baptize you (The Body of Christ)
with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fan is in
His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His
threshing floor, and gather His wheat into the barn;
but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”

Even though my vision was short, its full meaning will take some time. The menorah has 7 branches within its candles and there are 7 fruits of the spirit and 7 spiritual gifts and each of these comes by Anointing oil. Galatians 5:22 & 1 Corinthians 12

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh” . Acts 2:17

There is a separation happening for those who are spirit-filled more than ever before in the history of man, the power of the Holy Spirit is being poured out. The Lord is stitching together the last few messages I have shared. The tent of the Lord had three Key components known as anointing [oil]. I believe you will be blessed my this message.

TENT Meeting or Tabernacle is where God communicated with Moses. Exodus 33:7-11 Moses pitched a tent just outside camp and the Pillar Cloud would descend indicating God’s presence.  The Lord spoke to Moses face to face as a man speaks with a friend.  
  1. Outer Court - 1st anointing and ceremonial washing Exodus 27:9-19
  2. The Holy Place - 2nd anointing just inside the tent were the alter of incense and house the table of shewbread, the golden lamp stamp and the alter of incense. Exodus 26:33-34
  3. The Holy of Holies- 3rd anointing also known as the Most Holy Place separated by the veil and is the innermost chamber that contains the “ark of the covenant” and held the 10 commandments. The ark is covered by the Mercy Seat where God’s Presence dwells. Exodus 26:33-35
Saint’s this is coming!  You and I must study these scriptures to prepare for God’s “outpouring”! 

David was anointed 3 times. First as a Shepard, then as a King and finally as a Priest. 
  1. David’s 1st anointing - 1 Samual 16:1,12 & 13
  2. David’s 2nd anointing - 2 Samual 2:4,7 & 11
  3. David’s 3rd anointing over ALL of Israel 2 Samual 5:1-5
If we are still living a life as a carnal believer then you will not have the required anointing oil to light The Menorah in our Tent! 

Yahshua’s outpouring oil will saturate believers to do great exploits just like the Book of Acts.

Last week, the carnal believers in my dream stood by the white picket fence totally unaware of the baptism by fire just a few steps away. When I prayed about it , The Lord said there are a number of reasons, but their lamps needed oil! Saints, this is key, each one must pray that The Lord takes the log out their eyes because there is so much misinformation on this subject! Matthew 7:5

If God’s people are not saturated with His Oil, the enemy is thrilled because we are unable to effectively go to war. Those of course who have a little oil can put it to good use but that’s why believers are so exhausted! 

The Lord said, “They must Come to Me, I Am their Oil!” 

Each of us must seek Yahshua for ourselves to burn His Oil effectively! We do this by going to War in the Spirt!  Start by offering your prayers of incense! Psalm 141:2

I was reminded of the Parable of the Wise & Foolish Virgins. I actually felt grief of The Lord for those who struggle to battle effectively! The OIL in the Ten Virgin's Lamps is a symbolic picture for us and our connection to the Holy Spirit.  I saw how exhausted the warfare makes those striving to please the Lord. That’s the trick of our enemy to wear out God’s Saints! 

We are told those who show themselves approved live holy, love-filled lives producing good spiritual fruit and are seen as WISE. This group’s lamp are filled with oil and they have extra oil to share, like I am doing here! I encourage you to become a sharer and to share everything you receive. In fact, the way to get this message to grow in your own spirit is to start talking to others about the things you have learned. As you talk about them, there will almost immediately be an increase of knowledge on your own part. As you give, you receive.

Meanwhile, those virgins who have no clue what it means to be holy, do not strive for holiness, have few spiritual gifts, are guilty of unrepentant sin, and more often produce rotten spiritual fruit instead of good, are the FOOLISH. 

But listen, if you are reading this, you have repented and you not foolish but you are not ready, so what hinders you? 

Personally, it’s was my lack of understanding and fear! 

The very important missing stitch to our quilt, fear! 

Their virginity is a symbol of their SALVATION so this was not the issue, but instead they were foolishly seeking oil and Yahshua arrives unexpectedly and they are found not spiritual ready. They were saved but they did not enough oil, we ready they even try to buy some! 

The WISE did not fall asleep! Those prepared ahead and had extra oil to burn.
“Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ (i.e. Yahshua Ha Mashiach) is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified.” - 2 Corinthians 13:5 
The difference between these 2 groups of believers; one is ready and the other is not! The oil for our lamps comes starting with the Gift of Faith. These gifts are the fruit of the Spirit and are the catalyst for our oil saturation! 

Begin to Fight the darkness so you can enter the tent of the Lord. I share here what I am given in hopes to shed some light over your lampstand. If we seek The Lord in prayer, ask Him what blocks your entrance. Is it service?  Is it hidden sin or maybe generational curse! Get a pen and begin writing everything you hear! Next, take the steps to over come the items you heard!  

My friends, Listening for God’s voice is walking in the Spirit! So many of us have been wrongly taught and it’s time now to seek the Lord while he can be found! 

Over and over along my journey, I heard “religion” was my  stumbling block . Man-made rituals are not of GOD and he does not want repetitive prayers.  Matthew 6:8-10 It was exciting, that was one of my first revelations found in scripture because I was raised in a Catholic home. We prayed the same prayer every night at dinner. These prayers curtained the entrance to His TENT.  In order to tear the veil, I had to move from a servant to a friend with Yahshua! 

Another trick of the enemy to make you believe I was talking to Yahshua when I was actually talking to demons. If you are hearing anything unkind, you still have sin [unforgiveness] deep within your tent [soul]. Get rid of it! Fast, pray and beg GOD to deliver you in Jesus Name! This is part of the work we must do to separate ourselves from the world.

Our Menorah oil allows us to walk right up to Yahshua and ask every question and desire of our heart! 

He comes… you better believe it!  When we truly seek the Lord He answers by FIRE! You might not like what he tells you to do, but your obedience fills your LAMP with His Oil and sets you FREE!

Early in my walk right after I was awaken by The Lord, I was told, “Look to Peter” in a dream. In this particular dream I was riding my white horse named Magnificent and the land beneath us literal collapsed. 

Do you see my symbolism here? The land my horse and I were standing on had to come down! I had been living on sand and not the ROCK of Yahshua. My foundation had to be rebuilt! Pay attention to your dreams, maybe your foundation is built on sand like mine originally was!

You and I are the temple of God! Yahshua is the KING!

I feel like most believers are not living in sin, but their sin is not seeking a personal relationship with Yahshua!  This is offensive to GOD!  This grieves HIS HOLY SPIRIT!

Just like the Ten Virgins, we cannot buy our oil to enter His Spirit realm. The spirit realm is where we WIN the battle in the natural!  You and I have the authority through Yahshua to RULE & REIGN on earth until Christ returns! 

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12
Meanwhile, those who are apostate (i.e. blocked by religion, unforgiveness and falsifying God’s word with man made skepticism) will be refined in the fire known in God’s word as Tribulation. 

Do not misunderstand me, this doesnt mean that any believers will lose their salvation, but that they are not worthy of Yahshua’s blessed hope of being near Him or being filled spiritual by HIM!  

If you can’t hear His Voice, get busy right now and find out why! 

You are saved, yes but if you die, you won’t see Yahshua immediately! To me that would be agonizing! We are told you will wait to be raised up at the end of the Tribulation, when all the martyrs will be raised. 

Pray and see the Lord in His Word about this? Do not take my word for it!

By the way, all those who are saved, but are still believing man’s doctrines especially the one where we are saved by grace! If you die you may have to wait until the Last Judgment to be raised to everlasting life, since you are unworthy to reign and rule with Christ.

So, let me ask you now, do you have plenty of oil for your Menorah lamp?

The importance of this question feels imminent! 

Paul’s prayed in the following way: 

I pray that the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to me the riches of the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of revelation to know him through your [my] deepening intimacy with him. 
I pray that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your [my] imagination, flooding you [me] with light, until you [I] experience the full revelation of the hope of his calling—that is, the wealth of God’s glorious inheritances that he finds in us [me], his holy ones [one]! I pray that you [I] will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you [me] through faith.

I pray my life will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you [me]! This is the mighty power that was released when God raised Christ from the dead and exalted him to the place of highest honor and supreme authority in the heavenly realm! And now he is exalted as first above every ruler, authority, government, and realm of power in existence! He is gloriously enthroned over every name that is ever praised, not only in this age, but in the age that is coming! And he alone is the leader and source of everything needed in the church. God has put everything beneath the authority of Jesus Christ and has given him the highest rank above all others. And now we [I], [part of] his church, are his body on the earth and that which fills him [us] who is being filled by it! (Ephesians 1:17-23 TPT)

I pray with all my heart, you are made ready and The Spirit of God comes to fill your Menorah with His Oil today,
 “But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things” 1 John 2:20 (NKJV).


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