Before we continue our journey in the Book of Deuteronomy, I want to share an important word I received after perusing the news headlines. I was questioning what I was reading and whether it was true when the Lord interrupted my thoughts with “I AM CLEANING HOUSE”.
Immediately, I was alert! God is cleaning house! Hallelujah! We have been praying for this for years. I felt the impact of this statement deep within as tears of HOPE began to flow! Thank you merciful God!
Finally, judgment is coming for those Epstein Island goers and their evil secrets! Please join me in prayer ….pandora’s box has been opened… God is using His old tactics of turning one tribe against another while protecting His people. Thank you Jesus!
It’s a tactic used by God’s throughout His Word. In fact in Deuteronomy 20:4, Moses assures the Israelites, "For the LORD your God is the One who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you victory." This assurance is based on God's covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, promising to make their descendants a great nation and to give them the land of Canaan [promise land].
Let these verses serve as a reminder of God's sovereignty over all nations and His ability to accomplish His purposes through His chosen people. God will choose who he pleases to accomplish His Purposes. His righteous nature of judgment and justice can be read in His Word time and time again. His attributes are formed through interactions with man and His ultimate plan for creation itself! So we have no worries, but continue to pray for God will have HIS WAY!
By the way the Book of Deuteronomy is a map for us to navigate our wilderness while we are being shown God’s judgment & righteous decisions are literally a response to Israel’s actions.
The people of Israel were condemned to wander the wilderness until the faithless generation passes away! God provided for them in every way, He fed them and clothe them for 38 years and they were still unhappy complainers.
Don’t miss this… it’s their children who are allowed into the Promise land but they were delayed because their parents were all wrapped up in themselves!
Moses simply tells us that their root of unfaithfulness is idolatry within their hearts. Moses advises the adults to destroy anything that competes with their love of God. They couldn’t do it!
We can relate, can’t we! We too are called to trust God, but not only in the wilderness of life but during our times of blessings.
Moses shows them that compromise no matter how small leads them away from the abundant life that God has planned for them! He warns them that God is the ultimate judge who administers justice with wisdom and fairness. In Deuteronomy 32:4, God is described as "The Rock, His work is perfect, for all His ways are just. A God of faithfulness without injustice, righteous and upright is He."
God is our antidote to idolatry!
We live in a world of modern idols of money, power and technology. Each one competing for our devotion and calls us to worship it. Be strong, Do not compromise yourself, pay attention to where you spend your time.
And he said to them, “I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God come with power.” Mark 9:1
God wants our whole heart of gratitude anchored in obedience to HIM! We are to remember what Jesus did for us and to keep our eyes on Him! As long as we seeking the Lord, we are in alignment with His holy purpose for our life.
In this divine call by keeping our eyes on God we do not experience fear in a world full of distractions breeding fear! Nor are we in danger of complacency which only leads to the lie of prosperity. Just like the Israelites, God provides everything for us in His timing.
I want to take a moment to discuss the following truth: you typically can't give up your worldly desires or goals “just a little bit” and then expect God to step in and give you what you need. You can't test God out this way. It doesn't work to say, “I think I will give this up for a little while and see what direction God takes me in during that time.” No – God doesn't respond to experiments or tests of His nature like that! Whatever it is you are asked to give up, you must give it up completely in order to come closer to God. Unfortunately, I speak from experience on this. I personally spent about ten years in a cycle of “partially giving up” a habit that was keeping me from God's best for my life. The behavior I had to give up wasn't even a “big, obvious sin” or anything like that. The behavior involved me trying to obtain something that I wanted in my own way, a way that was self-centered and worldly focused. It was not until I stopped my ways completely, and determined I would never look back, that God stepped in and took over for the better in that area of my life.
When we finally begin to follow the Lord with unfailing faith, we become so devoted to His call, we find ourselves loving him completely with all our hearts! In turn he provides for us and His divine justice protects us every single day!
While God's justice is perfect, impartial and according to His Will, it’s by His Omniscience that He sees all actions and knows the intentions of the heart as stated in 1 Samuel 16:7: "The LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
This divine insight ensures that God's judgments are based on complete knowledge, unlike human judgments, which can be limited and superficial.
There is another element to God's justice that is often intertwined and that is His mercy. While He is just and must punish sin, He also provides a means of redemption through Jesus Christ. Romans 3:25-26 explains, "God presented Him as the atoning sacrifice through faith in His blood, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance He had passed over the sins committed beforehand. He did this to demonstrate His righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus."
This passage highlights how God's justice is satisfied through the sacrificial death of Christ, allowing Him to be both just and merciful.
"He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you but to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8
We are all called to reflect God's justice in our lives. It shows us that the journey of faith involves not only receiving the Gospel and witnessing miracles, but also facing conflict and misunderstanding. As we navigate our personal journeys, we become courageous like Paul, mindful of the Holy Spirit's guidance, and cognizant of the authority that comes from faith in Jesus.
This call to justice is echoed in the New Testament, where believers are urged to pursue righteousness and justice as part of their journey.
When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him, and turning to the crowd following him, he said, “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel.” Luke 7:9
While God is dealing with those under judgment in the days ahead through His justice, God upholds righteousness, and through His judgment, He holds humanity accountable, offering redemption through Jesus Christ.
Last year, I shared multiple posts of the Lord’s warning of his 4 Winds coming to shake the earth. I have linked these posts here for an over view. This is God’s displayed faithfulness and power, as He intervenes in the affairs of our nations to fulfill His convenient relationships with His Bride.
On a personal note each one of us is required to seek the Lord and allow Him to shake any and all unripe fruit connected to His Vine. We do this by repenting or turning away from any distraction keeping us from an intimate relationship with Him. Dear Saints, the shaking in the earth has begun and will continue until God’s purposes are fulfilled. This is a promise by God Himself.
I know at times, I have felt the over whelming burden for our fallen world in my prayers. How can we let our children and grandchildren grow up in this ugly chaotic madness? This is part of the call. We are all intercessors and watchman and we must carry the burden in our prayers.
In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there. Simon and his companions searched for Him; they found Him, and said to Him, “Everyone is looking for You.” He said to them, “Let us go somewhere else to the towns nearby, so that I may preach there also; for that is what I came for.” Mark 1: 35-38
Seek the Lord for your prayer assignment! When you are prepared, expect that God will use you! Pray for such opportunities because they are exciting and amazing when they occur. Such God-appointed opportunities will also serve to strengthen your faith. When such opportunities spontaneously occur, they become further evidence to you of the reality that the almighty God knows you personally, and is using your life and experiences to expand his kingdom.
I pray my post helps you reflect, grow, and draw closer to God this week. May the work He is doing in our hearts transform our prayers and then our world.
“The time is fulfilled; and the Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel.” Mark 1:15
The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.” Matthew 13:44 – 46
This shouldn't cause us to live in fear and guilt, but to be thankful and to live in power and hope. Starting each day in fervent prayer is one way to connect with God's kingdom and plan for your daily walk with Him.
He spoke another parable to them, “ The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three specks of flour until it was all leavened.” Matthew 13:33
When you accepted the message of Christ, you also received the Holy Spirit as available to you as your sole guide; and you received your portion of leaven! Do you recognize, at least in part, how the “spiritual leaven” in your own life and attitudes is working?
How has the spiritual leavening process changed you thus far? What areas of your life, or attitudes in your life, have you allowed to be transformed by the message and teachings of Christ?
What areas of your life do you know still need to be transformed?
James teaches us that “the earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” (James 5:16; New Living Translation)
Simply put, earnest prayers connect us directly to the unseen kingdom of God.
A pastor once said, “When we get to heaven and realize how the kingdom of God interacts with our world, the one thing we will regret is that we did not pray more often and more fervently while we were on earth.”
Do you think you pray enough?
If you do pray often and regularly, are your prayers fervent and earnest, or are they more rehearsed and methodical?
Are there any changes you feel you should make in your prayer life? What might happen if you were more fully connected to the very present, though unseen, kingdom of God?
Prayer ——-
Let us pray: Search my heart, Lord! Reveal to me anything that is offensive or deceitful within me.
Help me, oh Lord, to bring my thoughts and behaviors in line with your instructions. I ask that you shine your light on any doubt or influence in my life that takes me away from following you fully in my life.
Help me to trust your teachings and to follow them, and to not be fooled by the traditions of this world. Show me areas within my heart that I may be harboring and need to be identified and surrendered to Jesus.
Pause …. Take a moment and let the Spirit of the Lord to speak to you. He may identify a wounding you received from someone and you need to forgive, a jealous thought, or even a judgmental thought of another believer or maybe you are holding a grudge against a family member. It’s time to release these to the Jesus our healer. These emotions block your ability to experience the full peace and gift of the Holy Spirit in your life.
I know that my spirit craves closeness with you, God, and that any behaviors not aligned with you will block my ability to fully know you and receive your blessings.
I admit that these _________ [name them] attitudes and behaviors are sinful, Lord. I thank you for your forgiveness, and I accept your forgiveness. Help me, Father to motivate me, and guide me to live day by day in a manner that is pleasing to you and in a way that draws my heart closer to yours. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.
The next step is this: When we do become aware of what God is doing around us; God will likely, at some point, prompt us to get involved in His work, to contribute to it in some way.
This does not look the same for any one of us. God doesn't call everyone to be evangelists or missionaries or full time ministers or church workers. Remember there were thousands of people in Galilee who were listening to Jesus and were amazed by his teachings. Jesus didn't command every single person who believed his teachings to leave their current careers and work or study with him full time. Out of the thousands who heard him, he called twelve. Apparently he chose the right twelve; for those men he chose ultimately changed the culture of the world for the purposes of Christ.
What this means to us today is this: God calls some to full time ministry in His work; and others he calls to his work in other supportive ways. When you ask to see God working around you, He will answer by revealing what He is doing. He will likely prompt you to join Him in some way in the work that is going on right around you. When you receive one of these promptings from the Spirit, to join Him in the work; then you know that you have just been given an invitation to clearly be in the will of God. Exciting isn't it? How will you respond?
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