The burden against the Wilderness of the Sea. As whirlwinds in the South pass through, so it comes from the desert, from a terrible land.  Isaiah 21:1, NKJV

The Bible makes a very powerful prophetic statement that “the whirlwind and the storm” are the “way of the Lord.” The South Wind can be perceived as an element within this divine path. 

As we have thoroughly examine the Scriptures, we quickly discovered that the whirlwind is always associated with the South Wind. Its reference in the context of God’s wrath and power signals the South Wind as an agent in the unfolding of His plans. 

The wind blows toward the south, Then circles toward the north; The wind circles and swirls endlessly,And on its circular course the wind returns. Ecclesiastes 1:6 AMP -

The South wind in Hebrew is “Ruach Darom” which refers to the spiritual depth of one’s soul.

The Bible talks about the types of winds, but also their directions and whether the wind is positive or negative. 

The East Wind is known as the wind of judgment and is mentioned the most. In fact, it is referenced twenty-one times in the Bible (depending on the authority). Palms 78:26 reads: “He caused an east wind to blow in the heaven: and by his power he brought in the south wind.”

For today, we can walk away from this revelation knowing that after the East Wind has blown upon the earth, God is going to bring forth the South Wind. This wind is a time of refreshing and release for God's people. The South Wind brings peace of God that passeth all understanding, Philippians 4:7.  

But when the South Wind blows there will be a storm right around corner, right! 

We know this fact is true because The South Wind was very important in Paul’s journey. The South Wind was instrumental in his sailing to stand before Caesar, the King of the world. Paul ended up on this ship because He was falsely accused by the religious people of his day and was sent to Porcius Fetus, the governor of Judah. Being a Roman citizen Paul demanded to be tried by Caesar. Paul was sent by ship from Caesarea to Rome to stand before Caesar. This journey took 3 months, a symbolism here for us as we have been given 3 months to the coming Whirlwind. (Please feel free to review my Spiritual Break Out Series)

"...the south wind blew softly, supposing that they had obtained their purpose, loosing thence, they sailed close by Crete." Acts 27:13 

Paul’s journey while the South Wind was blowing seemed to be going well. Everything seemed peaceful and Paul was not expecting any adversity. We are the same today? We have everything we need and when the South Wind is blowing gently in our lives we enjoy life and may even appear comfortable or complacent.

But what happens on Paul’s trip ….

But not long after arose against it a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon. Acts 27:14

We know Paul becomes shipwrecked as he encounters a severe storm, called Euroclydon. The word Euroclydon comes from the Greek word EUROS and means “East Wind” but also “violent agitation”. 

Those who have settled into complacency by being refreshed by the South Wind will not be prepared for the days ahead when the East Wind is released from the throne of God in all its fury. 

I was told this storm is due in December!

The East Wind brings judgment on all unrighteousness over the earth but also in the earth. All of God’s people, just like Paul will stand before the King of the whole earth. And as the East Wind blows to remove every bit of unrighteousness within us, God promises a refreshing South Wind to blow over His People too!

Paul was refreshed the second time by the South Wind on his trip to Rome.

And from hence we fetched a compass, and came to Rhegium: and after on day the south wind blew, and we came the next day to Puteoli. Acts 28:13

The South Wind was to blow again upon Paul’s journey. The South Wind blew after one day. When we are finished with the Day of the Lord, the Day of Judgment in the earth, God’s gentle South Wind will again blow upon His People.  

When Spiritual understanding is given, we realize how beautiful God’s promises are to us. We are in His hands and nothing can hurt us ….nothing can remove us from His Grip! Hallelujah!

Over the course of God’s wind the following aspects are as follows:

The East Wind is the wind of judgment. 

The West Wind restores all things.

The North Wind symbolizes power and deliverance of one’s soul.

The South Wind comforts, refreshes and the cause of spiritual insight and revelation. 

It takes all 4 spiritual winds to transform us so we can be like Elijah and be taken up in a whirlwind, 2 Kings 2, but also so we an enter the City of David!

On a personal note, As I reflect on the winds I hear “Go”. To be honest, I have seen and heard the word “Go” multiple times over the last few months. If it wasn’t a verse of scripture then it would be an audibly “GO” from a coworker or friend and I would receive a quickening in my spirit. 

The quickening of the spirit is a witness that the Lord is speaking to you! He speaks to all of us… so pay attention or you might me missing your own personal South Wind.

Today, I finally understood what the Holy Spirit was trying to download into my spirit after watching my grandchildren “go” home.

These beautiful small children are the light of my life in every way. Grand parenting is seriously desert after parenting and it is wonderful. 

But I also think grand parenting can be compared to the South Wind after parenting. These babies are the good stuff in life, but the East Wind comes first and equals the toils of earth [hardwork] that it took to raise our children so we could become grandparents! Do you agree?

You see as I watched them drive away delighted to be united with their parents, I felt a prick against my skin. I heard in the smallest voice by The Lord, “last bit of shard glass”.

These moments in time are precious and life changing, so we need to pay attention to even the tiniest detail as these are the hidden treasures of The Lord. 

You see the word “shard” means rough, wrong or piece of fragment of a brittle substance. I am being reminded of the fragility of life, but also shard glass can be invisible. We can bleed if cut by even the tiniest bit of glass [truth]. 

So what is the invisible truth here ….. at this moment?  

I had to Wait, patiently waiting for The Lord. I hear nothing, so I take communion because I cannot shake this pivotal moment. The Lord loves it when we wait on Him. We are honoring Him. And then The Lord speaks:

You will never look back on your past and feel it’s cut. You will no longer bleed by it’s shards of glass. 

Just three words, “Shards of Glass” really meant “Don’t Look Back”! I am given a picture within my mind of Lot’s wife turning-back to the city she loved and she turns into a pillar of salt. 

I hear, Be patient & trust The Lord. I am perfecting you with My Winds - each Wind blows in a direction for which I am finishing what I started in you! You are being He made clean and a perfect Bride! 
I hear a soft breeze begin to blow outside and have a feeling there is so much to look forward to in these Winds of God! I will not look back on my mistakes and hurtful memories but look to Christ to clean, refine and break every shard of imperfection within my soul. Hallelujah!

Smile My Friend for God is GOOD!
Words by đŸ¦‹Angela 



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