Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people both now and forevermore. (Psalm 125:1,2 NIV)

Mountains! The Lord likes the mountains so what is the parable of the mountain? It is protection, strength and fortification.

In the Old Testament, when the people came into the land, they occupied the higher places more than the lower because their enemies had chariots and horses.There was safety, security and fortification from the Lord for His people when living in high places.

Recently, I shared a vision where the remnant of God was climbing Mount Sinai but they were blind to God’s help, I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? (Psalm 121:1, NIV)

To ascend the mountain, these climbers had to be prepared to endure spiritual warfare but also the technicality of each step. To climb God’s mountain, we can’t play the game of Christianity but instead pay the price to operate in His dimension of authority. 

This level of authority is found in the spirit and it’s not going to be easy. Hell will see to it. If you remember, I have shared all sorts of bizarre happenings as I learned to climb God’s Mountain. We are told by the Psalmist that God protects those who seek Him. 

He will rescue you from every hidden trap of the enemy, and he will protect you from false accusation and any deadly curse. Psalm 91:3 TPT

It’s so true. Each demonic incident is used by God to sift us and burn away the desires of our flesh. We in turn must scrutinize each incident or event by taking it to The Word of God in order to level up. Then, all at once the clash arises! The more the Holy Spirit is able to have His way in us to lead us into the will of God, the more we find this opposition and antagonism. 

And beware, it not only comes between us and the world, it sometimes comes in the circle of the Lord's own people. The people we love and who love us come against us. It is inevitable provocation. There is the fact. It is inevitable.

You see, this thing that the Lord came to do and is doing, will not allow for any neutrality. You can’t stand with only one foot in God’s camp and find victory. God will not allow it. It is going to be one or the other. It is going to be for or against. The eyes of flame (here the fire comes in again) the eyes of flame will not allow lukewarmness or anything that is of the Laodicean character. 

I have come to set the world on fire, and I wish it were already burning! Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other! (Luke 12:49,51 NLT)

The fire is a positive element always, and it will create positive situations. If everything is all just nice and quiet, no disturbance, no trouble and no antagonism and opposition, you have reason to believe the Holy Spirit isn’t doing much in your life. Because His aim is at positiveness, which is a very, very costly thing. It is either with the Lord, or not with the Lord, and there is nothing between. I always say we are either abiding in Christ or not, there is no grey area. It is going to come out sooner or later and the Lord says that is what He came to do. This is not by accident, a chance or things having gone wrong or miscarried. This is exactly what He came to do – to scatter fire on the earth and these are the inevitable effects of the fire. They are going to work out.

One of the things I learned from God pretty early on was fasting and its power over the enemy. I needed to fast to increase my faith & and in turn my spiritual hunger magnified. Your rising faith through fasting will move the hand of Almighty God on your behalf. The moment I tasted the goodness of the Lord through encounters, I started seeing the supernatural. The fact is, fasting does not move God. Fasting changes us as individuals. It was like a whole other world that most believers have no clue about. God expects us to hear His Word and grow our faith. God responds to faith like nothing else.So many miss out on understanding the spiritual realm but God has given each one of us access through the blood of Christ. Jesus always taught and preached faith. It is faith preaching that produces the miraculous. When you add fasting and prayer to this mix, nothing shall be impossible to you.

If you are thirsty for more and want an encounter with God, let me share my mountain vision again for encouragement. This time I want you to picture yourself on this mountain. As you climb to meet God ask the Holy Spirit what hinders your growth [climb] because these climbers were blind! What things of God were they blind to?

       My Vision:

I was standing next to Jesus on a very large Mountain. Spiritually I knew this was Mount Sinai. I could see the remnant below climbing up the mountain. It was a technical climb but they were doing it. The mountain had their full attention but their eyes were closed. I saw they were carrying multiple heavy packs [burdens] on their backs, but these climbers were strong and they did not waver. They stayed the course and to my surprise as they approached each mountain switchback, their energy seem to increase taking them quickly up the mountain. Right as they passed the last switchback their load on their back disappeared and they changed from climbing to riding camels.

Most of the time, we know what stumbles us, but the enemy is tricky! Our greatest weapon is Fasting because when our flesh is weak our spirit is strong and we break-off bondage to destroys yokes. 

Fasting clears up our perception. It sharpens our discernment. It opens our spiritual ears and eyes. Fasting like nothing else takes us into the deep —the realm of the spirit.  Fasting keeps the flesh in check. Fasting disconnect us from anything that hinders us from tapping into the presence of God.The voice of God will become louder than the voice of the flesh. Carnality is the wall between us and God that keeps us from hearing from God.

You cannot truly seek God without something taking place. Do not fret when you cannot see it. The, "easy believeism" Christianity has deceived millions. There is no bypass, no circumventing of the miraculous, it still takes fasting with prayer. 

Sure, you can get miracles without fasting, and get prayers answered but, as Jesus said, "this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting". Some things will not happen without it. It is easy to say, well it must not be the will of God, and let it go. Yes, Jesus paid the great sacrifice, but there is a price to pay for great faith. If we desire His presence and have never fasted we are missing out on a secret ingredient that provides focus and insight to the things of the spirit realm. 

DO NOT miss your opportunity of many miracles, healings, and deliverances because, you will not push back your dinner plate. We do not want to attend the all-night prayer meetings in our prayer closet so why then expect significant results when we have not given a noble sacrifice. 

Rom 16:18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. 

The apostle again points out that some serve "their belly". The lust for food is a great deceiver. The lust for food is associated also with the lust for power, fame, control, uncontrolled sexual desires, and more.

Being unaware of the spiritual realm is dangerous because the enemy can come in and sow tares among the good things in your life. We must have the power to break the enemy’s assignment. Fasting gives us this Power! 

For example, when I have bad dreams, I must know the level of the dream and what it requires to break the power of the enemy assignment. Every day we have to walk in the spirit to meet God at the level He has called us to. Our society’s culture of filth and defilement weakens our spiritual awareness. Each one of us has a spiritual antenna that is weakened by open gates hindering not only our prayers but our connection with The Lord. Can we function with these bad dreams even if we don’t fast? Yes, but our impact and everything about our spiritual climb becomes diluted.

God wants us to operate at His level which is a 10, but because we have neglected to deal with the tares the enemy is sowing in our everyday life, we might only be functioning at a level six. The enemy wants to cause your light to be dim and put out your fire. We must fast and pray to put us in a state of high alert perception so nothing can separate us from the Lord.

If we do not consistently fast, our discernment is not on point and we can’t even get past the first switchback in our mountain climb. Switchbacks represent discernment and we need spiritual discernment to help us interpret our dreams, God’s word or how to deal with spiritual attacks. There is much wisdom in our dreams when we search them out. This wisdom quickens our process and we are able to defend ourselves when the enemy tries to enter our soul.

The first key in climbing God’s mountain is to press in. The more we spend time with God and in His presence, the more we want to stay there. We can’t find the narrow path to God’s mountain without knowing God’s word. The Bible says in Psalm 16:11: Now you’ve got my feet on the life path, all radiant from the shining of your face. Ever since you took my hand, I’m on the right way.

It is also our level of faith that determines how successful we are in our climb. We must follow the pattern of Jesus when He said He only spoke what He heard the Father say; and He only did what He did after He saw what the Father showed Him. 

Prepare to Climb your mountain—press in, purify and obey His voice.

In an attempt to process the word of the Lord, God began to share with me how people miss their encounters with Him. They become stuck with weariness from all of their spiritual warfare. The Lord showed me that in most worship services, and even in prayer, his people are looking for God to touch them. But in reality, God wants them to touch Him

To help confront your hinderance listen to Pillar of Fire. It starts with an understanding of the assignment against you? Face it head-on! 🌀 Go low, fast and surrender everything you hold dear to The Father!

Immediately, when I heard that in my spirit, I thought of the woman with the issue of blood. She pressed through the crowd to touch the Lord. She came with an expectation to receive something—all she needed to do was touch the hem of His garment.

Her actions came with great risk and she could have gotten herself killed. She was unclean. According to Mosaic Law, a person with her condition was not permitted in a crowd for fear she would transmits her disease. We are told if she touched a priest or a member of the religious system, she could be stoned. However, nothing was going to prevent her from becoming whole. Many touched Jesus that day, but only one received virtue. Her pursuit, her determination, her faith, and her drive, even caught Jesus off guard. His response was, “Who touched me”?

This is your map to your mountain climb, pursue with determination and have faith to endure every demonic attack until you see God’s face! 

No one can just ascend God’s mountain—God’s holy hill and stand in a holy place without the prerequisites—expectation in the pursuit and faith in our action to stand in the presence of God.

The second key to climbing this mountain is to purge our spirit from those things that so easily hold us back. When we fast and pray beyond our normal prayer time, like getting up in the middle of the night to pray. Going deeper into the spirit realm takes effort, and mostly giving up sleep to allow the Holy Spirit to be our guide. If we are to go from the outer court, to the inner court where we face God this takes preparation, meditation and dedication.

The Psalmist was saying, “He that has clean hands a pure heart, who have not lifted up his soul into vanity nor sworn deceitfully he shall receive the blessing from the Lord in righteousness from the God of his salvation.” 

For those who seek His face shall be able to ascend to the mountain of God. We shall be able to stand in His holy place, if we have clean hands and a pure heart. 

Jesus said, “that the last generation, assure you and most solemnly say to you, this generation [the people living when these signs and events begin] will not pass away until all these things take place.”Matthew 24:34

Let us pray, “Lord, cleanse my hands, purify my heart. Help me not lift up my soul to vanity or pride. Help me to walk in a way that honors you.” We can renounced anything that holds us back. With a pure heart, we can begin to pray according to what Psalms 15 and 24 declared, “Who can ascend the mountain of God”? 

We must make ourselves available in the same way as Moses did. He got alone with God, that is why Moses went up the mountain. God’s leader was a man of faith and he sought after God’s presence. He climbed the mountain to have an encounter with God that produced the Ten Commandments. No one else was allowed to go up the mountain (Exod. 19, 20). But unlike the children of Israel, we all have access to the mountain, which was made available through the New Covenant. We have the ability to access God with great dimensions, but only if we are willing to pay the price. 

Once on the mountain, we will engage with God. There we learn His voice. As we develop our relationship, we learn to follow the instruction of the Holy Spirit becoming sensitive to what grieves Him and pleases Him.

The third key in our climb is obedience. Obedience becomes a vital key that unlocks the doors to the spirit realm. The Bible says, “obedience is better than sacrifice,” (1 Sam. 15:22). Is The Lord telling us not to do something—do not do it. Do not grieve the Spirit. If God tells us to do something, we must do it with no hesitation. Obedience strengthens our spirit, where as disobedience fuels our flesh allowing the enemy access. 

To ascend the mountain, we must be prepared with a very high level of obedience. Our obedience determines how successful we are in our climb. Press in, Climb your mountain—to purify yourself and obey His voice. I believe God wants to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. 

Are you excited? I know God’s Glory is available during the Feast of Trumpet’s which begins October 3 this year. We have over 3 months to dedicate ourselves to God and mediate on His Word while we wait. 

Let me say it it another way, it was fifty days after the Feast of First Fruits that Pentecost arrived bringing the Holy Spirit into the world and creating the body of Christ. ACTS 2

Jesus is the same today, yesterday and to the ages! Hebrews 13:8

The Feast of First Fruits in the Old Testament is symbolic of the resurrection of Christ from the dead. Jesus arose and 50 days later, poured out his Holy Spirit on all the believers assembled at Jerusalem. The Feast of Trumpets in the Old Testament is symbolic of the second coming of Christ Jesus. 

If you spend the next 3 months dedicating every free moment to the Lord making Him your first, second and third priority, you will find yourself face to face with the Lord during the feasts. In the Spirit you are unstoppable, "All things are lawful for me," but not all things are helpful. "All things are lawful for me," but I will not be dominated by anything. 1 Corinthians 6:12 ESV. Your faith will rise to a new high. You will bypass all high watermarks in the Spirit with a regular regiment of fasting in your life. This I call fasting faith. You will have ascended Mount Sinai! Hallelujah!

The Feast of Trumpets is an opportunity to show God how much you love Him! His response is the indwelling of His Spirit known as the Baptism of Fire!

Let us all be devoted to Christ to usher in God’s Glory!

🕊️ My First experience of the Feasts 

Repost from March, but I believe this whisper is significant now …..

- - The Whisper from Yah - -

Yah is short for Yahweh and it means “The God of Power

Though a raging sea overtakes you, I will lift you high. 

Though fires burn around you, I will be Your shelter. 

Though many voices may speak to accuse, I will be Your peace. 

Take rest in your Father’s works that began years ago.

Take joy in your Father’s love for its pure delight.

Today make a decision to let your eyes be opened to see My Salvation in your life. 

Declare over yourself, the day of the Redeemer has come and His grace shall be unveiled before my very eyes.  

You shall “arise” today to be redeemed and restored fully back to Me, your Father in Heaven.

From today forward My Presence will be upon your life in unmistakable ways. You will no longer question My Voice. 

My Voice will lead your steps and protect you from all that may come against you. Though a raging sea threatens you, I will lift you high, to ride the coming waves, one after another and you will see My glory. Seek Me in your secret place.


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